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词汇 集合
例句 The students were roll-called in their rooms to save them the trouble of having to assemble.学生们在各自的屋里接受点名,省了集合的麻烦。The planes assembled into formation.飞机集合成队形。The committee will reassemble next month.委员会将于下月再次集合The colonel paraded his soldiers.上校集合士兵列队接受检阅。He thinks of the city not as a collection of different neighborhoods but as an organic whole.他认为城市不是不同街区的集合,而是个有机的整体。Prisoners must assemble in the courtyard every morning for exercise.每天早晨囚犯必须在院子里集合做早操。The captain ordered the men to fall in.队长命令士兵们排队集合All hands on deck!全体船员在甲板集合The children's club meets every Thursday afternoon.儿童俱乐部每星期四下午集合There was a muster of all the militiamen.全体民兵进行了一次集合There was a muster of all the guards.全体卫兵进行了一次集合The commander congregated his staffs.司令集合了他的参谋人员。He promised he would have a stronger management team around him and that he would not fly solo any more.他承诺会在自己周围集合一支更加强大的管理团队,而不是再继续单打独斗。We had to be on the parade ground for 5.30 a.m. and that took some doing.我们得在清晨五点半到阅兵场上集合,那可不是件轻松的事。The whole school assembled in the hall.全校师生在大厅集合Before graduation the entire school was gathered together in the gymnasium.全校师生在体育馆里集合完毕,随后举行了高中毕业典礼。The whole school met to hear the speech.全校师生集合听演讲。The sirens are calling the men to assemble.警报声在召令士兵集合Admiral Boyle commanded the entire crew to assemble on deck.海军上将博伊尔命令所有船员在甲板集合His first military duty was when he attended the early-morning muster of the regiment.他第一次执行军事任务是参加团里的清晨集合The troops were ordered to fall in.部队被命令集合The project brings together expertise in teaching and library provision.这个项目集合了教学和图书馆服务两方面的专业知识。Foreign diplomats and their wives had assembled in the Great Hall to meet the President.外国的外交官和他们的夫人在大会堂集合与总统会面。Marchers were due to congregate at Market Square for an open-air meeting.示威者预定在集市广场集合,举行露天集会。We assembled in the meeting room after lunch.午饭后我们在会议室集合The generals massed their troops along the border.将军们沿着边境集合部队。They're going house-to-house, rounding up the residents.他们正挨家挨户地集合居民。Those who are going camping please gather at the gate.要去露营的人请在大门口集合They were mustered every morning and told off to different tasks.他们每天早晨集合,被分派去执行各种任务。




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