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词汇 雇佣
例句 Senior management hired a consultant to do the study.高级管理层雇佣一名顾问从事这项研究。The law prohibits discrimination in hiring.这一法律禁止劳工雇佣中的歧视行为。We're trying to recruit and retain skilled staff.我们尽量雇佣并留住有技能的职员。After due consideration, it was decided not to offer her the job.经过适当考虑,雇佣方决定不给她这份工作。Next to the expense of cashiers, pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers.对食品杂货零售商来说,给货物贴价签也是劳动力成本中最为昂贵的一个部分,仅次于雇佣收银员的费用。Businessmen hired mobsters to bust the unions.商人雇佣暴徒来破坏工会的活动。The first companies to go in took a policy of employing East Germans and training them up.首批进驻的公司采取了雇佣东德人并对他们进行全面培训的方针。We employ friendly and knowledgeable staff.我们雇佣友善的、在行的员工。They hired a private police force to patrol the neighbourhood.他们雇佣了私人警察在小区巡逻。My manager will make the ultimate decision about who to employ.我的经理会最终决定雇佣谁。He's just a political shill.他只是个政客雇佣的托儿。They hired her on a trial/temporary basis.他们是以试用/临时工的方式雇佣她的。The Government employs tax inspectors to check up and make sure people pay all their tax.政府雇佣税务稽查员查税,确保所有人都一分不差地纳了税。U.K. employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.英国雇佣法包含解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。The council checked up on her and decided she was unsuitable for employment.委员会对她进行调查之后,认为不适合雇佣她。The law prohibits discriminatory hiring practices.这一法律禁止劳工雇佣中的歧视行为。The company is making an effort to hire more minorities.公司正努力雇佣更多的少数族裔成员。They think employment legislation is prejudiced in favour of minorities.他们认为雇佣法偏袒少数民族。Six of them were murdered by Mafia hired assassins.他们当中有六人被黑手党雇佣的刺客暗杀了。The memo is chiefly concerned with hiring policies. 那份备忘录主要是关于雇佣政策的。UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.英国雇佣法包括解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right all employment wrongs.不要幻想一个劳资仲裁法庭能纠正所有的雇佣不公现象。It is difficult to judge the likely impact of the changes on employment patterns.很难判断这些变化可能对雇佣模式产生怎样的影响。We find ourselves ensnared in employment acts which do not help resolve industrial disputes.我们发现自己陷入了雇佣法案的圈套之中,因为它们并不能帮助解决劳资争端。She maintains a busy practice as a leading silk in employment law.作为雇佣法方面的首席王室律师,她业务繁忙。




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