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Metaphor and simile are the most commonly used figures of speech in everyday language.隐喻和明喻是日常语言中最常用的修辞手法。In his poetry we find many allusions to the human body.在他的诗中,人体的隐喻俯拾皆是。Ripe with in-jokes, self-references, and post-modern metaphor, the movie questions a too-civilized world.这部电影驾轻就熟地借助圈内笑话、自我指认和后现代主义的隐喻,对过度文明的世界提出了质疑。Metaphor and metonymy are two varieties of figural speech.隐喻和转喻是两种比喻手法。The movie is ripe with self-references and post-modern metaphor.这部电影充满了自我指认和后现代主义的隐喻。We discussed the use of metaphor in the text.我们讨论了文本中隐喻的使用。Her second novel is written in a very metaphorical style.她的第二部小说中运用了大量隐喻。Every metaphor contains within it implicit, unstated assumptions about what is real and what is not.每个隐喻都含有关于真与假的不予言明的含蓄假设。The ladder metaphor works in several ways.梯子的隐喻有几重含义。Metaphor is a common literary device.隐喻是一种常用的文学手法。Her poems include many imaginative metaphors.她的诗歌包含了很多富有想象力的隐喻。 |