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例句 The suspense builds as the story progresses.随着故事的发展,悬念也随之增强。The single has been re-released and this album is its inevitable companion.单曲已经重新发行,这张专辑势必也会随之推出。Cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth.更擅长贸易的文明见证了其财富的随之增长。When the switch is tripped, the alarm goes off.开关被触动后,警报声随之消失。As the plant grows, the roots also increase in size.植物生长时,根也随之长大。Dress will become more androgynous, with class symbols becoming more important than sexual ones.身份地位的标志将比性别标志更为重要,服装也将随之更趋男女不分。Burrows took the resulting penalty kick.由伯罗斯来主罚这一随之被判罚的点球。When business is depressed, there is usually an increase in unemployment.商业不景气,失业率往往会随之上升。Our spirits rallied as the bitter-sweet alcohol worked its magic.苦中带甜的酒发挥了奇效,我们的精神随之振奋起来。The sun was back, with its accompaniment of dust and flies.太阳重新露了出来,灰尘和苍蝇也随之出现。Any increase in students means a concomitant increase in money for the university.学生的增加意味着大学经费也要随之增加。Its molecules can be agitated by microwave energy.微波能量可以使其分子随之运动。Their dreams went up in smoke after their business collapsed.他们的公司倒闭后,他们的梦想也随之破灭。The revelation of her gambling problem followed her bankruptcy.她破产了,她的赌博问题也随之曝光。The coup attempt was followed by police brutality, executions, and torture.政变后,随之就发生了警察的野蛮行为、处决和严刑拷打。His candidacy will be enhanced if he avoids such brassy politics.假使他避开这种无耻的政治勾当,他的候选人声望将随之提高。The wind was easing as it veered to the southwest.风向转为西南,风速也随之减弱。The supply of beef shrinks and the prices are prodded upward.牛肉的供应减少,价格随之上涨。As ovulation gets nearer, oestrogen levels rise.临近排卵期,雌激素的分泌量随之增加。Safety regulations were improved in the wake of the oil spill.石油溢流后,安全法规随之得以完善。The women began to gyrate as the music got louder.音乐声越来越大,女人们开始随之旋转起来。In this changing business environment, different demands are being placed on employees. As a consequence, the education system needs to change.在当今变幻莫测的商业环境下,员工被提出各种不同的要求。因此,教育体系有必要随之改变。So we know that there will be fewer distributors. Many moms-and-pops will die.由此我们知道分销商的数量将会减少,许多夫妻老婆店将随之消失。The musicians struck up and people began to dance.乐师们开始演奏,人们随之翩翩起舞。Her long black hair bounced as she walked.她走路时长长的黑发随之飘动。The movement's downfall came with the failed coup d'état.政变流产了,这场运动也随之失败。I heard a massive explosion and the ground shuddered beneath me.我听到一声巨大的爆炸声,脚下的地面随之剧烈震动。Then marriage to George thrust her into the limelight—and made her public property.嫁给乔治使她一下就成为公众瞩目的焦点,随之成了一位公众人物。Once wholesale prices are deregulated, consumer prices will also rise.一旦批发价格放开,零售价格也会随之上涨。The cars have brought in their train a host of other problems.汽车随之带来其他一大堆问题。Don's story unfolded as the cruise got under way.随着航行的开始,唐的故事也随之展开。Tension began to build as they argued more frequently.他们争吵越来越频繁,关系也随之紧张起来。A bad harvest naturally came in the train of such a wet summer.夏天如此多雨,歉收自然随之出现了。Stretching out her tired limbs, she felt the tensions of the day drain away.伸展一下疲惫的四肢,她觉得白天的压力也都随之消散了。The defendant stood up after the judge did. 法官起立后被告随之起立。Their dreams went up in smoke after the collapse of their travel agency.他们的旅行社倒闭之后,他们的梦想也随之破灭了。His negligence of duty and subsequent dismissal from his job brought on a crisis in his life.他玩忽职守,随之遭到解雇,这在他的生活中引起了一次危机。Maternity services were to be reduced in consequence of falling birth rates.由于出生率下降,产科服务会随之削减。An inquiry has been set up in the wake of the crash.坠机发生后,调查随之展开。The police arrived. Thereupon the mob scattered.警察来了,这群乌合之众也随之散去。




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