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词汇 definition
例句 Experts said the definition could be stretched to cover persistent offenders.专家称这一定义可以延伸,将惯犯也包括进去。Human perception is by definition subjective.人的感知在本质上是主观的。The definition provides the word's denotation.这个定义给出了这个词的本义。What is the legal definition of a corporation?公司的法律定义是什么?A clinic for women would, by definition, deal with pregnancy and childbirth.妇科诊所据其定义负责处理妊娠和分娩事宜。A week of fishing is my definition of a vacation.钓上一个星期的鱼就是我理想的假期。That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising, given its level of generality.既然这种定义如此笼统,它本身存在问题就不足为奇了。The author provides a clear definition of cultural awareness.作者给文化意识下了一个清楚的定义。This unusual building barely fits the definition of a house.这幢独特的建筑几乎称不上房子。High-definition television sets should come down in price over the next few years. 高清晰度电视机未来几年应该会降价。There is no precise definition of a storm.对暴风雨没有确切的定义。People say that students are by definition idealistic and impatient.人们说学生总是理想化的、急躁的。He has a heavy muscled look with sharp definition.他肌肉发达,身材线条分明。It all depends on your definition of art.这完全取决于你对艺术的定义。Fashion is by definition fickle.时尚本身就是变幻无常的。That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising, given its level of generality.由于其笼统性,不难料想这种定义会存在问题。The photograph lacks definition.那张照片的清晰度很差。All this shows the difficulty of agreeing a definition of mysticism.这一切都说明对神秘主义下一个大家都接受的定义是困难的。Their foreign policy lacks definition.他们的外交政策含糊不明。The speakers criticized his new programme for lack of definition.几位发言者批评他的新方案不够清楚明确。These games are more popular now that they are available in high definition.这些游戏现在有了高清版,更受欢迎了。A volunteer by definition is not paid.志愿者按说是没有报酬的。Two of the trucks were stopped because they had tents in them, and under the commanders' definition of humanitarian aid, that didn't count.其中两辆卡车被拦住了,因为车里装着帐篷,而根据指挥官对人道主义援助的定义,那不符合标准。High-definition television is amazing. The picture is so clear.高清电视机真棒—图像非常清晰。This photograph lacks definition.这张相片不清晰。Colour televisions are knocked into a cocked hat by the high-definition ones.彩电的收看效果远不及高清晰电视。He has expanded the definition of sculpture.他扩展了对雕塑的定义。Give your brows extra definition with an eyebrow pencil.用眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。Human perception is highly imperfect and by definition subjective.人的感知具有高度缺陷,而且天性主观。If you roll your mouse over a word, its definition will appear.如果你把鼠标拖动到一个词上,这个词的定义就会显示出来。The definition reads awkwardly. 这个定义读起来真别扭。The picture lacks definition. 这张照片清晰度不高。The faces in the picture lack definition.照片中的面孔不清晰。According to the definition, that doesn't count.根据定义,那不算数。His artistry is beyond definition.他高超的艺术才能是难以描述的。Some of the photographs lack definition.有些照片不够清晰。She refused to accept the definition of woman as man's subordinate.她拒绝接受女人是男人附属品的定义。These cases are not covered by a strict definition of poverty.严格地说,这些情形谈不上是贫困。The speakers criticised his new programme for lack of definition.几位发言者批评他的新方案不够清楚明确。Scientists are, by definition, the creme de la creme of a country's brainpower.科学家必定是一国人才中的精英。




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