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词汇 电影院
例句 He owned five movie theaters, which he eventually parlayed into hotels.他拥有五家电影院,最后他以此进军酒店业。Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the perks of living in Sydney.一些最好的电影院和剧院就近在咫尺,这是在悉尼生活所享受的便利之一。I saw Matt coming out of the cinema with Jane.我看到马特和简一起从电影院里走出来。Boxing Day is now the biggest day of the year for cinemas.现在对于电影院来说,节礼日是一年当中最重要的日子。What's on at the cinema tonight?今晚电影院放什么电影?My sister was parked near the cinema.我姐姐把车停在电影院附近。We drove by the cinema to see what was playing.我们开车顺路去电影院看了看在上映什么。There were several couples petting at the back of the cinema.有几对男女坐在电影院后排抚摸调情。The cinema rang with the children's laughter.电影院里满是孩子们的欢笑声。The cinema nearby can seat 1,000 people.附近那家电影院可容纳一千名观众。Cinemas are harder to repurpose than ordinary shops.与普通店铺相比,电影院改作其他用途的难度要大得多。The theater was filled to the max. 电影院里座无虚席。He held hands with her in the back row of the cinema.他和她手牵手坐在电影院的后排。The shadow of someone in the back of the theater blotted the movie screen out for a moment.电影院后面有个人影把电影屏幕挡住了一会儿。People were pouring out of the cinema.人们从电影院里蜂拥而出。The country has relatively few cinemas.这个国家的电影院相对而言很少。Cinemagoers started voting with their feet.电影院的常客开始不再去看电影了。My shop butts on a cinema.我的店舖与一家电影院毗连。Gay activists were demonstrating outside the cinema.同性恋权利积极分子在电影院外示威。The fans sat enthralled in the darkened cinema.影迷们坐在黑漆漆的电影院里看得如痴如醉。When we came out of the cinema, it was already dark.当我们走出电影院的时候,天已经黑了。Film-goers began to form a line outside the cinema.来看电影的人在电影院外面排起了队。The award ceremony will be held at the National Film Theatre tonight.颁奖仪式将于今晚在国家电影院举行。The town's old movie palace has been torn down.镇子上的旧电影院已经被拆除了。At the cinema I am completely illuded.电影院里我完全置身于幻觉之中。The aforementioned Mr Parkes then entered the cinema.前面提到的这位帕克斯先生接着进入了电影院A cinema was burned out in north London last night. Police suspect arson.昨晚伦敦北部一家电影院被焚毁,警方怀疑有人纵火。A lot of the money that you pay at the cinema goes back to the film distributors.你在电影院消费的一大部分钱都会回到电影发行商手里。Smoking in the cinema is strictly prohibited.电影院内严禁吸烟。A gang of youths were loitering outside the cinema.一帮小青年在电影院外面游荡。The town no longer has a cinema.小镇已不再有电影院了。The cinema is usually chock-a-block with kids on Sunday afternoons.星期天下午这家电影院通常坐满了孩子。What's on for tonight at the cinema?今晚电影院上映什么片子? I imagined us going to drive-in movies.我想象着我们去汽车电影院Excuse me. Could you please give me directions to the movie theater?对不起,您能给我指一下去电影院的路吗?I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened movie theater.我喜欢独自外出——舒服地坐在漆黑的电影院里,乐在其中。Cinemas declined with the growth of television.随着电视的发展,电影院衰落了。A consortium of townspeople stepped in to save the cinema.市民们组织起来介入此事,想要挽救这家电影院He sang before delirious crowds in a movie theatre.他在一个电影院里面对着狂热的众人唱歌。Who're you going to the pictures with?你要跟谁一起去电影院




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