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She has worked in the movies all her life. 她一辈子都在电影行业工作。The girl had aspirations to a movie career.这个女孩有志从事电影行业。Lee agreed with Jackson that more opportunities should be created for minorities in film .李同意杰克逊的观点,认为电影行业应该为少数族裔创造更多的机会。His dominance in newspapers, television, and film amounts to a cultural power which is the obverse side to his political power.他在报纸、电视和电影行业的统治地位形成了一种文化力量,与他的政治势力相对应。He has made some good films and he is a good ambassador for the industry.他拍摄过一些好影片,是电影行业的合适代言人。 |