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例句 A list of geographical names appears in the back matter of the dictionary.词典后面附有地名表。The photographs are accompanied by text.这些照片附有文字说明。Every new camera comes with a leather case and free film.每台新相机都附有皮套和免费胶卷。At the end of each chapter there is a series of exercises designed to help the learner.每一章后面都附有一系列帮助学生学习的练习。The offer was hedged around with conditions.这一提议附有诸多条件。We received a bill for tuition plus incidentals. 我们收到一张附有额外开支的学费账单。Many novels are published in paperback school editions with notes.许多小说以附有注释的平装学生版出版。The computer program comes with a user's manual.计算机程序附有使用手册。For each title there is a brief synopsis of the book.每个书名后面都附有全书的简短提要。The book is gorgeously illustrated.这本书附有精美的插图。The VCR carries a three-year guarantee.这台录放影机附有三年保证。The luxury model comes with a matching metal carrying case.豪华型附有配套的金属提箱。Posters advertising cigarettes have to carry government health warnings.刊登香烟广告的海报必须附有政府的健康警告。We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer's name and address.我们只能刊登附有作者姓名和地址的信件。Each diagram is followed by a simple explanation.每幅图后都附有简要的说明。This food processor has a special attachment for grinding coffee.这个食品加工器附有一个专门用来研磨咖啡的装置。A vocabulary index is included for easy reference.为查阅方便,附有词汇索引。A list of technical terms is included here to aid the reader.此处附有科技术语表以帮助读者理解。The charity received an anonymous letter enclosing a large donation.慈善机构收到了一封附有一大笔捐赠的匿名信。The documents contain a blueprint for a nuclear device.文件内附有一张核装置的设计蓝图。The book includes a lengthy bibliography.这本书附有很长的参考书目。Later editions had a glossary.后来的版本附有词汇表。They had finally gained independence, but on very unfavourable terms.他们最终赢得了独立,但却附有很不利的条款。He has entranced millions of people with his beautifully illustrated books.他那些附有精美插图的书吸引了上百万的读者。The dictionary includes a table of weights and measures.这本词典附有度量衡表。Each volume is fully referenced.每卷卷末附有详尽的参考资料。




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