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词汇 下星期
例句 I'll ask my boss if I can have a day off next week.我要请示我的老板下星期我能否请一天假。As you all will know, election day is next week.你们可能都知道了,选举定在下星期I'm going to visit the old man next week.我打算下星期去看老爸。My Uncle David is visiting next week.我叔叔戴维下星期要来看我。Next week you may travel, when you are a little stronger.下星期你身体稍稍好一些就可以出去旅行了。You shall have it back next week.下星期一定还你。You will be up and about next week.下星期你就可以起床走动了。I'll come by next week and mooch a meal off you.下星期去你那里,向你讨顿饭吃。You should get your exam results next week.你们下星期就可以知道考试结果。I shall call on you next week.下星期去看你。Are you going to the chapter next week?下星期你准备去参加全体教士大会吗?Next week we should be able to shake down the new ship.下星期我们应该可以试航新船了。They're putting on Hamlet next week.他们下星期演出《哈姆雷特》。Your suggestion goes before the board of directors next week.你的建议定在下星期提交董事会审议。The pig is marked for slaughter next week.这头猪下星期要杀了。We have decided to offer you the position of sales assistant starting next Monday.我们已决定下星期一开始让你出任销售助理一职。The new train will make its inaugural run next week.这列新火车将在下星期首次运行。We shall have to put the meeting ahead because of the holiday next week.我们得把会期提前,因为下星期有一个假日。Next Monday is a bank holiday.下星期一是银行假日。They arranged an appointment for next week.他们约定在下星期会面。I'm taking my driving test next week.下星期要参加驾照考试。The new computers won't arrive until next week, but we can keep using the old ones in the meantime.新计算机下星期才到,但在此期间我们可以继续使用旧计算机。I'll be away on a training course next week.下星期我要外出参加一个培训班。Shareholders will be voting on the proposed merger of the companies next week.股东们下星期将投票表决拟议中的公司合并问题。Who are the Giants playing next week?下星期巨人队和哪个队比赛?We may pop in to see you next week.我们下星期可能去看你们。They are having the furniture delivered next week.他们的家具下星期就会送到。Hopefully, we'll get more news next week.希望我们下星期能得到更多的消息。They're sailing for Antigua next week.他们下星期要启航前往安提瓜岛。She's hoping to move into her new flat next week.她希望下星期能搬进她的新公寓。I'm going on a business trip to Japan next week.下星期我要去日本出差。Give me a bell sometime next week, won't you?下星期给我打电话好吗?We're having another meeting next week, hopefully to really get this show on the road.我们下星期还要开一次会,希望能把这事真正落实。We are having a bit of a party next week.下星期我们准备请几位客人小聚一次。I'll repay you the money you lent me next week.你借给我的钱我下星期还你。This is sure to be an item on the agenda next week.这一定会成为下星期议事日程上的一项议题。I look forward to meeting you next week.我盼望下星期与你见面。We are liable to be in Chicago next week.下星期我们可能在芝加哥。He has notice to report for duty next Monday.他已接到通知下星期一去报到。Cole has been selected for the team to meet Italy next week.科尔获选入队参加下星期与意大利队的比赛。




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