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词汇 外交
例句 At the diplomatic conference each side waited for the other side to make a misstep.在这次外交会议上双方都等待着对方犯错误。In diplomacy the niceties of etiquette must be observed.外交方面必须要遵守礼仪细节。The country's past record mutes any hopes for a diplomatic solution.该国过去的记录减弱了其寻求外交解决的希望。Diplomatic spats over those tiny islands escalated to confrontation.围绕着那几个小岛的外交争端逐步升级成为对抗。The President has played a shrewd diplomatic game because from the outset he called for direct talks with the United States.总统玩了一场高明的外交游戏,因为从一开始他就要求和美国直接对话。The diplomatic path is strewn with disappointments.外交道路上布满挫折。Blair returned empty-handed after a series of embarrassments and diplomatic setbacks.在经历了一系列尴尬和外交挫折后,布莱尔无功而返。They hailed the signing of the agreement as a major diplomatic triumph.他们称协议的签署是一次重大的外交胜利。All attempts at diplomacy have broken down and the two states now appear to be on a collision course.所有的外交努力都失败了,现在两国发生冲突似乎在所难免。Diplomatic efforts to end the crisis failed.为结束危机而作的外交努力失败了。Salisbury sent him on a diplomatic mission to North America.索尔兹伯里派他到北美执行一项外交任务。We prefer to use diplomacy rather than force to get people to move.我们更愿使用外交手段而不是武力去让人们行动起来。The Conservative Party did not in the main disagree with Bevin's conduct of foreign policy.保守党大体上不反对贝文的外交施政方式。The consul's comments were a major diplomatic gaffe.领事的评论是一次重大的外交失言。Efforts are being made to avert war and find a diplomatic solution.各方正在为避免战争、寻求外交解决途径而作出积极的努力。Diplomatic efforts to end the fighting began on Oct 25.十月二十五日开始了停战的外交努力。Sanctions and coercive diplomacy have failed.制裁措施和高压外交已经失败。As talks between the leaders broke down, several months of careful diplomacy were unravelled.由于领导人之间的会谈破裂,几个月精心策划的外交努力付诸东流。The resulting diplomatic strain haunts policymakers on both sides.由此导致的外交紧张深深地困扰着双方的政策制定者。The potential high flyers of the diplomatic service usually join as administrative trainees.有望在外交事业上展翅高飞的人一般总是先从行政事务的实习生做起。The President's envoy set off on another diplomatic trip.总统的使节开始了又一次外交之旅。There is much talk of cuts in the diplomatic service in these straitened times.在如今经济不景气的情况下,有很多传言说要削减外交支出。His skilful / skillful diplomacy has secured new European allies.他巧妙的外交手段拿下了新的欧洲盟友。The raid followed years of failed diplomacy.多年外交失败后发生了这场突然袭击。The diplomatic offensive is an exercise in damage limitation.外交攻击是损失控制上的运用。All diplomatic attempts at a peaceful solution to the crisis have been fruitless.所有试图和平解决这场危机的外交努力都毫无成效。The recall of an ambassador is a serious diplomatic action.召回大使是一项重大的外交举措。The talks took place in the presence of a diplomatic observer.会谈是在一位外交观察员在场的情况下进行的。Two hours of diplomatic ping-pong hadn't touched her; she looked poised.两小时的外交论战没对她造成任何影响,她显得镇定自若。He was lucky to have such a plush diplomatic post.他很幸运,拥有待遇如此优厚的外交职位。Her letters record the details of diplomatic life.她的信件记述了外交生活的点点滴滴。They did everything to bring diplomatic pressures to bear on the admiral.他们无所不用其极,对海军上将施加外交压力。Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution.根据国际法,驻外外交官员不受刑事诉讼。He was sent on a misbegotten diplomatic mission that was sure to fail.他被派去执行一项计划不周、注定会失败的外交任务。We're proceeding on a diplomatic track.我们正通过外交渠道开展工作。They believe that Europe needs a common foreign and security policy.他们认为欧洲需要采取共同的外交和安全政策。Diplomatic efforts at peace-making have so far proved unavailing.调停争端的外交努力到目前为止被证明是徒劳的。The Swedes had sought his freedom through quiet diplomacy.瑞典人通过秘密的外交手段来争取他的自由。She's been out to Africa several times on diplomatic visits.她作外交访问去过非洲好几次。He also wants more aggressive unilateral diplomacy.他也想要更加强势的单边外交




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