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词汇 木板
例句 You can reclaim old boards and use them as shelves.木板可以废物利用,当搁板使用。He broke the boards with a karate chop.他用空手道一掌劈断了几层木板There was a squeak when the boards rubbed together.木板相互摩擦发出吱吱声。The top of the wall is painted and the bottom is covered in wood paneling.墙顶上刷涂料,底下镶木板The caretaker boarded the window.看房子的人用木板把窗户封了起来。People were boarding over their windows in preparation for the storm.人们都在用木板将窗户封闭以防风暴袭击。The glue provides a good/strong bond between the two pieces of wood.胶水把两片木板紧紧地粘到一起。Shopkeepers were boarding up their windows.各家店主正在用木板封窗户。Every second house seemed to be boarded up.大部分房子好像都封上了木板One swing of the hammer was all it took to drive the nail through the board.铁锤一击就足以把钉子敲穿了木板Each length of board slots easily into the next.每块木板之间很容易就能拼装起来。The board fell with a clap on the floor.木板呯的一声落在了地板上。The fine old boards had aged to a beautiful patina.那些上等旧木板因年长日久已具有一种悦目的光泽。The icon was painted on a wooden panel.这个圣像画在一块木板上。The planks of wood were stacked neatly against the wall.木板整齐地靠墙堆放。A lot of the stores on the main street had been boarded up.大街上有许多商店都用木板封起来了。He marked a square on the board.他在木板上画了个正方形。The house, with its boarded-up windows, was not particularly inviting.这所房子窗户上钉着木板,不是特别吸引人。Cut the board lengthwise.纵向切割这块木板She built bookshelves out of bricks and planks.她用砖和木板制作书架。The house was built solidly of rough wooden planks.这房子是用粗木板牢固地建造的。Score lightly at first and then repeat, scoring deeper each time until the board is cut through.先轻轻地划一道痕,然后再反复划,每次划得深一点,直到木板被割断。The boards are level.这些木板一样高。The machine squares the wood into flat boards.机器把木料制成方形木板A chair grated on the wooden boards.椅子在木板上蹭得嘎吱作响。The board split in two.木板裂成了两块。The carpenter grooved the board.木匠在木板上开槽。The carpenter is planing away at a plank.木工在使劲刨一块木板The board is not screwed down firmly, it moves about when you touch it.木板没有被螺钉拧紧,你碰一下它就会移动。The old board splintered the moment I stepped on it.在我踩上去的一刹那旧木板裂开了。He fashioned a box from a few old pieces of wood.他用几块旧木板做了一个箱子。Hundreds of people jammed the boardwalk to watch.数百人挤在木板人行道上观看。We split the boards down the middle to use them for the back of the shelves.我们把木板从中间锯开,用作架子的背板。The earliest skis were crude, consisting of short boards covered in fur skins.最早的滑雪板很简单,由一块短木板外面包一层毛皮制成。Boards had been nailed over the front door.木板已被钉在前门上。How thick is the board?这块木板有多厚? We butted two boards for a makeshift bed.我们把两块木板拼接起来临时作床用。They covered the board in fabric and pinned some photographs to it.他们在木板上包了一层布,用别针别了一些照片在上面。The next day, the pieces were all pied on the board.第二天,碎片全被杂乱地摊在木板上。The empty house's windows had been boarded over several years ago.空房的窗户几年前就用木板封上了。




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