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词汇 阳光
例句 The sun shining off the pool dazzled me.游泳池反射的阳光照得我头晕目眩。The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing hard-edged shadows on the ground.阳光明亮刺眼,在地上投下轮廓分明的影子。Sunshine faded the tapestry.阳光晒得挂毯褪了色。Ozone is formed in the atmosphere when sunlight and hydrocarbons react together.在大气中,阳光与氧气发生化学反应,形成臭氧。Sunlight is needed in order for the process of photosynthesis to take place in plants.植物需要阳光来进行光合作用。The sun was not yet high enough to penetrate the thick foliage overhead.太阳升得不够高,阳光还不能透过头顶上方层层叠叠的树叶照射下来。It was too sunny to think of staying indoors.阳光如此明媚,根本不想待在屋内。I put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.我拉下遮阳板来遮挡耀眼的阳光We were lying by the pool, soaking up the afternoon sun.我们躺在池子边,沐浴着午后的阳光Medicines should be stored away from direct sunlight.药品的储放应避免阳光直射。He sat on the terrace of his sun-drenched villa in the South of France.他坐在法国南部自家别墅的露台上,沐浴在阳光里。Sun removes the oil and wax, leaving the leather prone to cracking.阳光晒掉了皮革上的油和蜡,使皮革容易破裂。The summer sky was brushed red with the sun.阳光染红了夏日的天空。Lying in the warm sun, listening to the sea was sheer bliss.躺在温暖的阳光下,听着海浪拍岸—那是绝对的幸福。I was blinded by the sun as I came around the corner.走过拐角时,我被阳光照得眼睛昏花。The sunlight gave emphasis to the shape of the mountain.阳光使山峰的轮廓分外鲜明。Unusually for these parts, there was warm sunshine on Christmas day.圣诞节那天有和煦的阳光,这在这些地区是很少见的。The colour is fast to sunlight.这种颜色在阳光的照射下不褪色。Exposure to the sun has aged her skin.阳光下的曝晒使她的皮肤老化。Lack of sunlight will stunt the plant's growth.缺乏阳光会阻碍植物的生长。Blue can be used to tone down very sunny rooms.可以用蓝色使阳光十分充足的房间变得柔和些。The violent daylight drilled into the room.强烈的阳光直射进室内。These plants grow best in bright indirect light/sun.这些植物在明亮的间接光线/阳光下生长得最好。Rodney was a cheerful, elegant and gregarious if rather contentious man.罗德尼尽管非常喜欢与人争辩,却是个阳光、优雅、合群的人。Marsha shut her eyes against the dazzling sun.玛莎闭上眼睛来抵挡刺眼的阳光The sun gleamed on naked swords.阳光把出鞘的剑照得闪闪发亮。The sun's rays could not wedge their way through the barrage of foliage.阳光透不过树叶的屏障。Afternoon storms fester around sun-warmed hills.下午的暴风雨洒向一座又一座被阳光晒热了的山头。The sunlight mirrored itself on the silver frames.阳光从银质框架上反射出来。The windows let fresh air and light into the room.新鲜空气和阳光通过窗户进入室内。Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight.古老文明相信新鲜空气和阳光有治病的功效。Branches develop and grow towards the greatest exposure to sun.树枝朝阳光最充足的方向延伸生长。She moved to the Sunbelt.她移居到阳光地带了。The lotion is supposed to screen out the sun's harmful rays.这种护肤露据说可以阻挡阳光中的有害射线。The sun continued to shine throughout the tournament.锦标赛期间阳光一直很灿烂。She sat on the wall, enjoying the spring sunshine.她坐在墙头上,享受着春日的阳光She left the afternoon sun for the cool of the shade.她避开下午的阳光走到阴凉处。Volcanic eruptions had tossed enough dust into the atmosphere to screen out sunlight.火山爆发将大量烟尘喷到大气中,遮住了阳光The sunny savanna yields no food.这个阳光充裕的无树平原不产食物。Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation.阳光由几种不同波长的射线组成。




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