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词汇 闹剧
例句 The elections have been reduced to a farce.竞选演变为一场闹剧No one had prepared anything so the meeting was a bit of a farce.谁也没有作任何准备,因此会议有点儿像出闹剧It could well turn into some kind of a media circus.它很可能会变为一场媒体闹剧There was a lot of tomfoolery going on behind the scenes.这一事件背后有许多愚蠢的闹剧If he couldn't prepare his case properly, the trial would be a travesty.如果他不能好好准备他的诉讼,审判将会成为一场拙劣的闹剧The inquest has been largely farcical anyway.不管怎么说,这场传讯基本上是场闹剧The trial turned into a melodrama.审判变成了一场闹剧The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.这次行动从喜剧转为闹剧,最后变成了悲剧。The Russian leader threw the carefully arranged welcome into chaos.这位俄罗斯领导人将这场精心安排的欢迎会搞成了一场闹剧He gave one of his best knockabout performances in a long time.他表演了很长时间,那是他最精彩的闹剧之一。The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill.每一位美国人享受良政的权利被国会山的闹剧损害殆尽。The story has elements of tragedy and farce.这个故事兼有悲剧与闹剧的元素。The play suddenly changes from farce to tragedy.这出戏突然从闹剧转变成悲剧。My Lord, I cannot countenance this farce any longer.大人,我再也不能忍受这出闹剧了。They were made welcome with the usual pantomime of exaggerated smiles and gestures.他们受到了一如往常的欢迎,夸张的笑容和姿态如同一场闹剧The whole thing is a farce, a big joke.整件事是一场闹剧,一个大笑话。The solemn event rapidly degenerated into farce.这一庄重的活动迅速演化为一场闹剧He is raring to charge into the fray and lay down the law.他急切地想管管这场闹剧,教训他们一顿。The trial has been a complete farce, from beginning to end.这次审判自始至终完全是一场闹剧He denounced the election as a farce.他指责选举是一场闹剧Cross-dressing has long been the staple device of comedies, farces and thrillers.穿异性服装长久以来一直是喜剧、闹剧以及惊悚剧中的主要表现手法。The film cynically alternated tragedy with farce.影片讽刺性地在悲剧和闹剧之间来回转换。The debate degenerated into farce when opposing speakers started shouting at each other.双方辩手开始朝对方大喊,辩论成了一场闹剧The whole incident started as an innocent caper.整个事件以一场并无恶意的闹剧开始。The election turned out to be a complete/utter farce. 这次选举变成了一场彻头彻尾的闹剧The whole procedure has become a complete farce.整个过程完全成了一场闹剧I did not want the match to become a complete farce.我不想这次比赛变成一场彻头彻尾的闹剧Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce, they ham it up like mad.他们全力投入到这部闹剧中去,极尽搞怪之能事。My history classes were a farce.我的历史课总是上成乱哄哄的闹剧The prisoner's trial was a farce.对该犯的审讯简直是一场闹剧She admitted that the interview had been a complete farce from start to finish.她承认,采访从头到尾完全是一场闹剧




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