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词汇 dry grass
例句 The flames licked up the dry grass.火焰吞噬了干草。We used some dry grass as tinder to light the campfire.我们用一些干草作为引子来点燃篝火。A sudden breeze rustled the long dry grass.突然刮来一阵风,吹得这片高高的干草沙沙作响。He coaxed a fire out of some dry grass and twigs.他耐心地用一些干草和小树枝生了个火。Kim had managed to kindle a little fire of dry grass.金想办法用干草生了一小堆火。A snake rustled through the dry grass.一条蛇爬过干草地,发出沙沙的响声。Flying sparks ignited the dry grass.飞舞的火花把干草点燃了。She lay on the grass and the stiff dry grass prickled the back of her legs.她躺在草地上,干硬的草轻轻扎着她的双腿。The dry grass caught fire, but we beat it out.干草著火了,但我们把火扑灭了。The concrete highway was edged with tangled dry grass.水泥公路两旁是杂乱的干草。




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