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词汇 闪闪发光
例句 The crystal chandelier sparkled.那水晶枝形吊灯闪闪发光Fireflies twinkled in the gloaming. 萤火虫在暮色中闪闪发光He could see the bright gleam of the boat's newly coppered hull.他能看见这艘船新镀铜的船体闪闪发光A glittering Islamic crescent tops the mosque.伊斯兰新月标记在清真寺的顶上闪闪发光His helmet glinted in the moonlight.他的头盔在月光下闪闪发光A gilded temple glittered in the distance.远处,一座镀金的庙宇闪闪发光Her eyes sparked.她双眼闪闪发光He bought the kids special rings that glow in the dark.他给孩子们买了能在黑暗中闪闪发光的戒指。Drops of dew shone on the grass.露珠在草地上闪闪发光The sequins on her dress glittered in the sun.她的连衣裙上的装饰片在阳光下闪闪发光She wore a shimmering blue veil that covered her head.她头戴一块闪闪发光的蓝色面纱。His watch flashed in the sunlight.他的手表在阳光下闪闪发光Sunlight glinted off the windows of a tall apartment building.阳光照在一栋高大的公寓楼的玻璃窗上闪闪发光The desert landscape shimmered in the midday heat.沙漠中的景观在正午酷热的光照下闪闪发光The helmets were glinting in the sun.头盔在阳光下闪闪发光Often engagement rings are a safe band of twinkling diamonds.订婚戒指通常有一圈镶嵌牢固、闪闪发光的钻石。The waxed floor had a good shine.打蜡地板闪闪发光Her eyes sparkled with excitement.她的眼睛兴奋得闪闪发光The wake of the boat glowed in the darkness.船留下的尾流在黑暗中闪闪发光His brown eyes twinkled behind the gold-rimmed glasses.他棕色的眼睛在金框眼镜后面闪闪发光Her jewellery glittered under the spotlight.她佩戴的珠宝在聚光灯下闪闪发光The polished surface shone in the sun.抛光的表面在阳光下闪闪发光Dewdrops sparkled in the morning sun.露珠在朝阳下闪闪发光The bay glittered in the sunshine.海湾在阳光下闪闪发光The clouds glowed like burnished gold.云彩像被擦亮的金子一般闪闪发光She smiled excitedly, her eyes gleaming.她激动地微笑着,眼睛闪闪发光The water shimmered in the moonlight.水在月光下闪闪发光His face was slick with sweat.他脸上的汗水闪闪发光Bits of broken glass sparkled in the sunlight.几片碎玻璃在阳光下闪闪发光The windows glinted in the sunlight.窗户在阳光下闪闪发光Jewels glittered in the dim light of the cave.珠宝在山洞里昏暗的光线下闪闪发光There was a luminosity far ahead like the twilight end of a tunnel.遥远的前方有个东西闪闪发光,犹如隧道尽头发出的微光。I could see something glittering under the water.我看到水下有东西在闪闪发光The diamond sparkled in the sunlight.钻石在太阳光下闪闪发光His metal buttons glittered in the sunlight.他的金属纽扣在阳光下闪闪发光The calm sea glistened in the sunlight.平静的海面在阳光下闪闪发光The tree was all aglitter with Christmas decorations.树上挂满了圣诞节装饰,闪闪发光He polished the brass till it shone.他把黄铜器皿擦得闪闪发光We could make out Edward's house across the bay, with red roofs and windows that caught the sun.我们看得清海湾那头爱德华的房子,红屋顶和玻璃窗在阳光下闪闪发光The diamond sparkled.这枚钻石闪闪发光




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