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词汇 绷带
例句 He wrapped a bandage around his knee.他用绷带裹着膝盖。It occurred to him that bandaging his leg might speed the process of healing.他想到用绷带包扎他的腿可能会促进愈合。She removed the bandage with a sharp tug.她猛地扯下了绷带He got hurt playing football and his arm was taped up.他踢足球受了伤,胳膊打了绷带He lapped his wrist in a bandage.他将手腕用绷带缠起来。The doctor tied the bandage too tight.医生把绷带绑得太紧。The bandage around his knee was already saturated with blood.他膝盖上绑的绷带已经被血浸透了。The bandage was made up of three thicknesses of gauze.绷带是用三层纱布制成的。The physician strapped up her leg, and warned that it would take weeks to heal.医生用绷带把她的腿包扎好,告诫她这要过几周才能好。Use a crepe bandage to support the affected area.用强力绷带托住伤处。Wrap the bandage firmly around the injured limb.绷带紧紧包裹受伤的肢体。She removed the bandage to reveal a red swollen wound oozing pus.她解下绷带,露出红肿渗脓的伤口。She wound the bandage around his knee.她用绷带把他的膝盖包扎起来。The nurse wound a bandage around my leg.护士用绷带包扎我的腿。I bandaged the leg up and gave her aspirin for the pain.我把她的腿用绷带包扎起来,并给了她阿司匹林止痛。One of his legs was bandaged in the region of the knee.他的一条腿在近膝盖处用绷带包扎着。I've hurt my wrist, so I've bandaged it to give it some support.我的手腕受伤了,所以绑上了绷带进行保护。Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.她的胳膊从肘部一直到手指全缠上了绷带She took off his bandages with gentle fingers.她动作轻柔地取下他的绷带She trussed him quickly with stolen bandage, and gagged his mouth.她用偷来的绷带迅速把他绑紧,并塞住了他的嘴。We loaded up carts with all the blankets, bandages, medication, water we could spare.我们把所有可以省下的毯子、绷带、药物和谁塞进推车。His wounds were swathed with bandage.他的伤口缠满了绷带His broken leg will be strapped up for a long time.他受伤的腿需要打很长一段时间的绷带He wrapped a bandage around my injured wrist.他给我受伤的手腕包上了绷带The pain's almost gone now except for that one little knock where I didn't brace my leg up.除了腿上没包绷带的小碰伤处,我身上几乎都不疼了。The nurse bandaged up his sprained ankle.护士用绷带包扎他扭伤了的脚踝。The wound was taped up.伤口用绷带包扎起来。Blood soaked through the bandage.血渗透了绷带She put a bandage on/over the cut.她用绷带包扎伤口。She pulled the bandage back very carefully.她非常小心地拉开绷带He injured himself playing football and his arm was strapped up.他踢足球弄伤了自己,胳膊打了绷带His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.他头上缠满了用床单撕成的绷带The bandage had been tightly wrapped over his eyes.绷带把他的眼睛严严实实地包了起来。He wound the bandage tightly around his ankle.他把绷带紧紧地缠在脚踝上。The nurse bandaged his arm.护士给他的手臂扎上了绷带In a nearby medical tent, a US Army doctor gently unwinds Metruk's bandage.在附近的一个医疗帐篷里,一名美国军医轻轻解开了麦特鲁克的绷带At this hospital we use up bandages, disposable gloves, and other consumables very quickly.在这家医院,我们用完绷带、一次性手套及其他消耗品的速度快得惊人。He'll be in bandages for a few weeks.他将要扎几个星期的绷带He braced up the sprained ligament in his knee and played on.他在扭伤了韧带的膝盖上打了绷带,继续比赛。A bandage will stop the ooze from that cut.绷带能够阻止伤口渗出血液。




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