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词汇 绷紧
例句 The wire tautened as they pulled on it.他们一拉,电线就绷紧了。The gentlest of her caresses would contort his already tense body.她最轻柔的爱抚会让他已经绷紧的身体变形。The dancers make thrusting, angular movements of hand and arm – the body taut.众舞者绷紧了身体,做出各种僵硬的手臂伸展动作。Then the line went taut.随后绳子绷紧了。He tried to impress me by flexing his huge muscles.绷紧他那些大块的肌肉,想吸引我注意他。He put his back against the car, braced his legs and pushed.他用背顶着汽车,绷紧双腿,然后推了起来。He braced his muscles and lifted the weight.他把肌肉绷紧,一使劲举起那重物。The circus performer can walk the tightwire or the slack wire.这马戏演员能走绷紧的钢丝,也能走松弛的钢丝。When muscles are taut or cold there is more chance of injury or strain.肌肉绷紧或受凉时更容易损伤。He massaged the taut muscles of her neck.他给她绷紧的颈部肌肉做按摩。The sudden tension on the line told me I had hooked a fish.钓线突然绷紧告诉我鱼上钩了。Nerves are frayed all round.每一根神经都绷紧了。Stay clear of cables which are under tension.远离绷紧的缆绳。The rope tightened around his body.他身上的绳子绷紧了。Jane tensed her muscles to stop them from shaking.简把肌肉绷紧,不让它们颤抖。All his muscles were tensed.他的肌肉全都绷紧了。Pull the bed sheets tight then fold the ends under.把床单绷紧,然后把两端折到下面。He faced the angry crowd, his arms folded, his legs braced.他叉着手,双腿绷紧,面对愤怒的人群。The cables tightened and he was lifted gradually from the deck.缆绳绷紧了,他被慢慢地吊离了甲板。She was gently massaging the tense muscles of his neck.她轻轻地按摩着他颈部绷紧的肌肉。Keep the rope tight.使绳子绷紧I could feel myself tense up as he touched my neck.他摸我脖子时,我能感觉到自己的身体绷紧了。Point your toes and stiffen the muscles in your legs.伸直脚趾,绷紧腿部肌肉。Jill's nerves are stretched to breaking point.吉尔的神经绷紧到了极点。Newman's stomach muscles tensed.纽曼的腹肌绷紧了。Beneath his skin, the muscles were tight with tension.他皮下的肌肉因紧张而绷紧A single strand of taut barbed wire was strung along the top of the garden wall.一条绷紧的带刺铁丝拉在花园围墙上。The muscles in my face tensed.我脸上的肌肉绷紧了。I could see the muscles in his jaw clench.我看得出来他下巴的肌肉绷紧了。She flexed her left bicep.绷紧了左臂肌肉。Tense up the muscles in both of your legs.把两腿的肌肉绷紧The muscles in his face suddenly tautened.他的脸部肌肉一下子绷紧了。His back is straightening, his chin firming: the need to survive is toughening him up.他的背开始挺直了,下巴绷紧了:求生的欲望使他变得更加坚强。It has been clinically proven that it is better to stretch the tight muscles first.经临床证明,先拉伸绷紧的肌肉比较好。Her body went as taut as a bowstring.她的身体紧张得像绷紧的弓弦。He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.绷紧身体起跳,熟练地落在另一边。Wind it round the screws until the wire is taut.把线缠到螺钉上绷紧He sat up straight, stiffening his back.他坐得笔直,绷紧了他的后背。He braced his shoulders as the snow slashed across his face.雪花如刀割般刮在他的脸上,他绷紧了双肩。He stood to attention, bracing his shoulders.他立正站着,肩膀绷紧




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