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词汇 门票
例句 We couldn't get tickets anywhere - the show was completely sold out.我们哪里也买不到票,演出门票全部售完了。They're giving out free tickets to the circus.他们正在送出马戏团的免费门票Package tours that include tickets to Olympic events have sold well.包括奥运会赛事门票的包价旅游很受欢迎。He bought us tickets to the best show in town.他为我们买了门票去看市中心最精彩的表演。The team's owner is in a fix - he's spent a lot to improve the stadium, but ticket sales are still declining.该队的老板陷入了困境—他斥巨资修缮体育场,但门票的销售量依然在下滑。I got two tickets for the Bulls’ game.我有两张公牛队比赛的门票The art gallery waives admission charges on Sundays.美术馆周日免收门票We now charge a fee for museum entrance.现在到博物馆要买门票The show hasn't quite sold out yet.演出门票还有很多没有卖出去。I thought it was a public park. I didn't think they charged for admission.我以为那是个免费开放的公园,没想到他们要收门票He managed to wrangle a couple of tickets to the concert.他设法弄到了几张音乐会的门票Thousands of people will be scrambling for tickets.将有数千人抢购门票Advance bookings for the show currently total more than £100,000.目前演出的门票预订已达十多万英镑。I tried to scrounge up some tickets to the show, but I didn't have any luck.我想搞些这场演出的门票,但结果一无所获。People were scalping tickets outside the stadium.人们在体育场外倒卖比赛门票There was no print at all on the backs of the tickets.门票背面没有印刷任何文字。There's been a cock-up over the tickets for the football on Saturday.周六的足球赛门票给搞乱了。Members receive priority bookings and reduced ticket prices to all concerts.会员可以优先预订所有音乐会门票,还能享受优惠票价。I managed to bluff my way into the show without a ticket. 我没有演出门票,想法混了进去。This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened.这场演出的门票也是几乎在开演前就销售一空了。A last-minute surge in ticket sales saved the show from closure.最后一刻门票销量的激增使演出免于流产。The concert was booked out, and in any case, most of the people gathered in the square could not afford the price of a ticket.音乐会门票已经预订一空,再者,聚在广场上的人多数也买不起票。There was a mad scramble for tickets.门票的争抢非常激烈。The hotel, airfare, and museum fees were all part of our vacation package.住宿、机票和博物馆门票都包含在我们的度假套餐里。The package includes admission to the park at no extra expense.套票中包括公园的门票,无需额外付费。I managed to score a couple of tickets to the game.我设法搞到了几张比赛的门票Tickets are as rare as hen's teeth, but I could get you in, gratis.门票非常难买,但我能让你入场,还是免费。The club sold tickets for a trolley dash at the supermarket to raise money for charity.俱乐部出售超市疯狂大采购的门票以筹集善款。The last of the tickets were sold Thursday.余下的门票在星期四也售完了。Some people buy large blocks of tickets and then try to sell them at vastly inflated prices.有些人买下大批的门票,然后再设法大幅抬高价钱卖出去。Tickets for her concerts are always in great demand.她的演唱会门票总是需求量极大。They comped us the tickets. 他们送给我们一些免费门票Show your ticket to the woman at the entrance.向入口处的那位女士出示你的门票She managed to procure a ticket to the concert.她设法搞到了这场音乐会的门票He will donate the proceeds of one of his sellout shows to charity.他会把他门票销售一空的演唱会其中一场的收入捐给慈善机构。Before the game there was a frantic rush to get the last few remaining tickets.比赛开始前,人们纷纷争抢剩下的最后几张门票There's been a big run on tickets for the game. 许多人都在争购这场比赛的门票We bought a two-day pass to Disneyland.我们买了一张可用两天的迪士尼乐园门票Ticket sales have been/remained flat. 门票销售收入一直/保持不变。People were touting outside the stadium.有人在体育馆外倒卖门票




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