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词汇 冻死
例句 An elderly woman froze to death, an inquest heard yesterday.调查团昨日审理了老妇冻死一案。At least two people died of exposure in Chicago overnight.昨天晚上,芝加哥至少有两人冻死The cold snap killed everything in the garden.这阵冷汛把花园里的植物全冻死了。Hurry up! I'm freezing!快点!冻死我了!These plants may kill in winter.这些植物冬天可能会冻死He either suffocated, or froze to death.他要么是闷死的,要么是冻死的。If you plant your seedlings out too soon, a late frost might kill them off.如果你播种太早,晚霜可能会把它们冻死The flowers were zapped by the cold weather.花儿在寒冷的天气中一下子就冻死了。Hundreds of homeless people could freeze to death this winter.今年冬天有数以百计无家可归的人可能冻死They froze/starved to death.他们冻死/饿死了。The young plants all died in the late frost.幼苗全在晚霜中冻死了。These flowers may kill in winter.这些花冬天可能会冻死Ice could freeze up their torpedo release mechanisms.冰可能会冻死他们的鱼雷发射装置。The low temperature will freeze my flowers.低温会把我的花冻死The frost killed the young tomato plants.寒霜冻死了番茄幼苗。Could you put the heating on? I'm starving!你能把暖气打开吗?我快冻死了!Half of the vegetables froze out in the sudden cold.一半的蔬菜在突如其来的寒凉中冻死了。The frost killed practically every plant in the garden.霜几乎把花园里的所有植物都冻死了。We nearly died of exposure on the mountainside.我们在山腰差点冻死The group's leader died of exposure.这个组的组长冻死了。How much longer do we have to wait out her? I'm freezing.我们还要在外面等多久?我冻死了。They froze to death.他们冻死了。I'm frozen - could you close the window?冻死我了——把窗户关上好吗?Several people were found lying dead in the street during the big freeze last winter.去冬严寒期街上发现好几个人冻死They huddled up to the pets and the warmth of the dogs' bodies stopped them freezing to death.他们紧紧地靠着宠物,这些狗的体温使他们不至于冻死Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold.一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒冷中冻死了。




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