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词汇 追赶
例句 He set off down the street in pursuit of the dog.他动身沿街追赶那条狗。The men easily outran the police officer who was chasing them.小偷跑得很快,轻而易举地甩掉了追赶他们的警察。He grabbed his coat on the run and raced after them.他边跑边抓起上衣,飞快地追赶他们而去。It was plucky of you to chase after the burglar.你真有胆量,敢追赶窃贼。Velluci ran after the car waving his fists.维卢西挥着拳头追赶那辆汽车。They gave up the chase, losing sight of the car as it turned the corner.汽车拐弯消失了,他们就放弃了追赶They made after the runaways on horseback.他们骑马追赶那些逃跑的人。He chased the thief, tripped him up, and grabbed the camera.追赶盗贼,把他绊倒后夺回了相机。He made a desperate sprint for the train.他拼命地飞奔着去追赶火车。He was speeding down the motorway as if pursued by a demon.他在高速公路上飞快地行驶,就像有魔鬼在追赶他似的。She pursued the man who had stolen her bag.追赶偷她包的那个男人。The hounds were in full cry after the hare.那群猎狗吠叫着追赶野兔。He went tearing along the road after the bus.他在路上飞奔着追赶公共汽车。I didn't have the energy to chase him any more.我再也没有力气追赶他了。We ran after the mugger as fast as we could, but he got away.我们尽快追赶行凶抢劫的歹徒,但他还是逃走了。My mad dash for the bus left me gasping for breath.我疯狂地追赶公共汽车,累得上气不接下气。He turned and raced after the others.他转过身,飞奔着去追赶其他人。The dogs followed the fox.这些狗一齐追赶著那狐狸。The movie lurches from one car chase scene to the next.电影从一个飙车追赶场景切到另一个飙车追赶场景。He made a dash for the bus.他猛冲过去追赶汽车。Jack was chased by a loose dog.杰克被一只没被拴住的狗追赶Green put on a spurt and gained upon his pursuer.格林一鼓作气把追赶的人抛在后面。Their pursuers were getting close.追赶他们的人离他们越来越近了。Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts to catch up with the West.像俄罗斯很多人一样,她认为国家的错误就在于徒然地竭力追赶西方。She pursued the man who had stolen a woman's bag.追赶那个偷了一个妇女提包的男人。Cheng raced through a crowded shopping mall in pursuit of the man who had grabbed her purse.程穿过拥挤的购物中心快速追赶那名抢了她钱包的男子。The dogs chased their quarry.那些狗追赶它们的猎物。Neighbouring shopkeepers ran after the man and caught him.附近的店主在那个男人后面追赶并把他抓住了。My dog chases after butterflies.我的狗喜欢追赶蝴蝶。The company has been trying to play a difficult game of catch-up ever since its competitor introduced the new product.自从竞争对手推出了新产品,公司一直在努力追赶Finding a second wind, he rode away from his pursuers.他缓过劲儿来,骑马逃离了追赶他的人。He made to chase Davey, who ran back laughing.他假装要去追赶一边往回跑一边大笑的戴维。The dog was paddling furiously after the ducks.那条狗在水里拼命划水追赶那些鸭子。The outlaw Jesse James was pursued by a posse.歹徒杰西·詹姆士正被一队人马追赶着。I'd of chased them rascals myself.我本来会自己去追赶那伙流氓的。Several children joined in the chase.几个孩子加入了这场追赶When the game was started, the hunters let the dogs slip.当猎物惊起时,猎人们纵狗追赶I've given up trying to keep up with the latest fashions.我已经不再追赶最新时尚。When pursued, he made his escape with a flash of speed.遭到追赶时,他突然飞速地逃脱了。Tom darted a terrified glance over his shoulder at his pursuers.汤姆惊恐地回头朝追赶他的人瞥了一眼。




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