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They clapped/put the prisoner in irons.他们给囚犯戴上了镣铐The captured criminals were paraded in chains through the streets.抓获的罪犯带着镣铐列队游街示众。He unshackled the prisoner.他给囚犯解开镣铐。The prisoner was able to break free from the bonds that held him.那名囚犯挣脱了套在他身上的镣铐。The captured criminals were paraded in chains through the streets.被捕的罪犯们曾带着镣铐游街示众。The prisoner was led away in chains.犯人戴着镣铐给带走了。The prisoner was placed in shackles.囚犯被戴上了镣铐。The prisoners were kept in chains while being transferred to the new jail.囚犯们在转往新监狱时都戴着镣铐。In the old days, the slaves used to be shackled with heavy metal chains.古时候,奴隶们身上常锁着沉重的金属镣铐。The shackles had begun to cut into his ankles.镣铐已经开始卡进他的脚踝了。The prisoner was led into the courtroom in manacles.戴着镣铐的囚犯被带进了法庭。He unbolted the shackles on Billy's hands.他打开了比利手上的镣铐。The guard shackled the prisoner.警卫给囚犯戴上了镣铐。They rattled their shackles frantically.他们发狂似的把镣铐碰撞得砰砰响。The prisoners were clapped in irons/chains.囚犯们被铐上了镣铐/锁链。Some people believe that work is a better means of order and discipline than chains and castigation for criminals.有些人认为要使犯人遵纪守法劳动是比镣铐和惩罚更有效的手段。He managed to struggle free from his bonds.他设法摆脱了镣铐的束缚。The enemy's chain could not bring his proud soul under.敌人的镣铐压服不了他的傲骨。The prisoners were led away in chains.那些犯人戴着镣铐被带走了。Loose his bonds and set him free.松开他的镣铐放了他吧。He was hustled off in manacles.他戴着镣铐,被推搡着带走了。Her chains were removed as she entered the dock.她进入被告席后,身上的镣铐被取下。 |