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There's the usual finger-pointing when mistakes are made.出了错误后又是一贯的相互指责。The article's thesis is flaccid and misguided.文章的论点没有力量,而且错误。It's important not to let mistakes spoil your life.别让错误毁了你的人生,这很重要。I soon realized my mistake.不久我就意识到自己的错误。There were many errors and erasures in the typescript.打印文稿上有很多错误和擦除痕迹。The same mistakes reoccur with alarming regularity.同样的错误一再出现,令人咋舌。The error was discovered in the next pass through the data.错误是在这之后的那次数据巡检过程中发现的。If you ever made that mistake you would go out on your ear.如果你犯下那种错误,准得滚蛋。Does he realise his mistake yet?他意识到他的错误了吗? It was at that party that I committed the faux pas of spilling wine all over the host's wife.就是在那次聚会上我犯了有失体面的错误,把酒洒了主人的妻子一身都是。You're going to pay dearly for that mistake.你要为那个错误付出高昂的代价。He takes a very positive attitude when correcting pupils' mistakes.他在纠正学生的错误时总是采取多肯定成绩的态度。They hold you accountable for your mistakes.他们要你为自己的错误负责。I do feel mad about making that stupid mistake.我犯了那个愚蠢的错误,实在懊恼不已。He made a careless mistake.他犯了一个粗枝大叶的错误。She made the classic mistake of trying to drive away without releasing the hand brake.她犯了一个典型的错误,没松开手闸就想把车开走。There may be a bug in the program.程序中可能有错误。He blames his mistakes on inexperience.他将他的错误归咎于缺乏经验。When we asked her about the mistakes, she became defensive.当我们向她问及那些错误时,她变得遮遮掩掩。This mistake must be remedied immediately.这一错误必须立即予以纠正。Even the smallest mistake could have dire consequences.哪怕是最小的错误也有可能导致可怕的后果。These mistakes cast/throw doubt on her ability. = They cast/throw into doubt her ability. 这些错误使人们对她的能力产生了怀疑。Someone has to pay the penalty for these mistakes.有人要为这些错误付出代价。It would be a mistake to ignore their strong sentiments on the issue.无视他们在这个问题上的强烈情绪将是个错误。Sooner or later she'll realize she made a mistake.迟早她会认识到自己犯了一个错误。It will take us some time to correct all the mistakes.我们需要些时间来纠正所有错误。We all have the ability to learn from our mistakes.我们都能从错误中吸取教训。I realized I had made a fatal error.我意识到自己犯了个致命的错误。Any faults or omissions are, of course, my own.当然,任何错误或疏忽都是我自己造成的。Don't fret, Mary. This is all some crazy mistake.不要发愁,玛丽。这只是个有些荒唐的错误。They all commit similar mistakes.他们都犯相似的错误。I checked for errors, but nothing jumped out at me. 我检查过了,没发现任何错误。I allow that there may have been a mistake.我承认其中可能有错误。As man to man, I think you should admit your mistakes.坦率地讲,我认为你应该承认自己的错误。He was soaked for that mistake.他因犯了那个错误而受重罚。He admitted his guilt/mistake.他承认有罪/犯了错误。It had been the biggest mistake any of them could remember.这是他们每一个人所能记得的最重大的错误。This is the second most common error made by job applicants.这是求职者最容易犯的第二种错误。The blood rushed to her face as she realized her error.当她意识到了自己的错误时血一下子涌上了她的脸。The book is littered with errors. 这本书错误连篇。 |