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词汇 deeper
例句 I'm looking for a deeper shade of purple to paint the bedroom.我在找一种更深的紫色来粉刷卧室。He sounded absent, as if his deeper thoughts were elsewhere.他听起来心不在焉,好像在深入思考别的东西。The detective dug deeper into the murder case.侦探更加深入地调查这起谋杀案。During our discussions we raised many issues that need deeper consideration.讨论中我们提了许多需要更深入考虑的问题。His face turned an even deeper shade of red.他的脸更红了。I'd like a friendship that might lead to something deeper, but I wouldn't want to commit myself too soon.我希望拥有一份能进一步发展的友谊,但又不想太快作出承诺。The analysts applaud the cuts in marginal businesses, but insist the company must make deeper sacrifices.分析家们赞同削减边缘业务,但坚持认为公司必须作出更大牺牲。Score lightly at first and then repeat, scoring deeper each time until the board is cut through.先轻轻地划一道痕,然后再反复划,每次划得深一点,直到木板被割断。The enquiry dug deeper into the alleged financial misdeeds of his government.这一调查对其政府涉嫌的财政违规行为展开了进一步深究。Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field, avoiding the deeper gullies.他很熟练地避开深沟,左曲右拐地穿过了田野。Her frown grew deeper at the memory.她想起这一往事,眉头皱得更紧了。The more she struggled the deeper she sank into the bog.她越挣扎,在沼泽里就陷得越深。The pond gets much deeper in the middle.水塘的中间要深得多。A clear explanation of the subject provides a frame on which a deeper understanding can be built.对主题的明确阐述为深入理解提供了一个框架。He dives deeper than his teammates.他比他的队员潜水深。The dried colour is slightly deeper in tone than it appears when first applied.颜色干了之后比刚涂上去时要略深一点。As we got deeper into the forest we could hear the sound of running water.随着我们进入森林更深处,我们听到了流水声。There were deeper tensions underlying last week's outburst.上星期的爆发背后潜伏着更为深刻的紧张局势。The depression is daily biting deeper into the economic life of the nation.不景气在日益严重地影响着这个国家的经济生活。A one-to-one meeting with the US President was necessary, if only for a deeper exchange of views.与美国总统一对一的会谈是必要的,即便仅仅是为了双方观点更深入的交流。The association fosters a deeper understanding between prisons and the public.该协会致力于促进监狱和公众之间加深了解。The problems went deeper than mere teething difficulties.这些问题变得很严重,不再像起初那样只是暂时性困难。The walls are light blue and the door a deeper shade.墙是浅蓝色的,门的颜色则稍深一点。As they got to know each other better, their love grew deeper and more passionate.随着他们相互之间的更加了解,他们之间的爱也越来越深,越来越充满激情。The whale dove down to deeper water.那头鲸潜到更深的水下了。Since the coup, the country has sunk deeper into a quagmire of violence and lawlessness.自政变以来,该国越来越陷入了一种暴力肆虐、法律缺失的境地。We should dig those young trees in a bit deeper.我们应该把小树埋得深一些。The conference has slipped deeper into quicksand.会议更深地陷入了危机。Forsaken by her friends, she sank deeper into depression.她被朋友们抛弃后,变得更加消沉。The company is sliding even deeper into the red.公司的亏损状况进一步恶化。The journal aids materially in a fuller and deeper understanding of the subject.这份学报对于人们更充分、更深刻地了解这门学科大有裨益。This stretch of Lost River was broader and deeper.洛斯特里弗的这片水域又宽又深。It's hoped that the telescope will enable scientists to see deeper into the universe than ever before.人们希望望远镜能使科学家看到比以往更遥远的宇宙深处。Feminist criticism is a starting point for a deeper engagement with the text.女性主义批评理论是更深刻地理解这个文本的切入点。As we dug deeper, we uncovered a large wooden chest.我们掘至更深处时发现了一个大木箱。Gingerly, she put her hand in deeper, to the bottom.她一只手小心翼翼地往下伸,一直摸到底部。It is wishful thinking to expect deeper change under his leadership.指望在他的领导下发生更深入的变革简直是痴心妄想。You need a blue that's slightly deeper in tone.你要用色调偏深一点的蓝色。He ventured deeper into the forest.他冒险向森林更深处走去。If you look deeper, you'll see the difference between them.如果你更留心一点,你就会看出它们之间的差别了。




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