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词汇 catching
例句 She loved catching teachers out by asking tough questions.她喜欢提出尖锐问题来指出老师的错误。She said something about catching her Tube and stood up to go.她说了句要赶上地铁列车之类的话便起身走了。Men still outnumber women, though the latter are catching up.男性仍然比女性多,尽管女性的人数正逐渐赶上来。Blues broke quickly, catching Wolves on the back foot.蓝队(切尔西队)快速反击,打了狼队(伍尔弗汉普顿流浪队)一个措手不及。People overestimated the risk of catching the disease.人们高估了感染这种疾病的风险。There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。Her age is catching up to her. = She is starting to feel her age. 她开始感到岁月不饶人了。It's painfully obvious that Britain has so much catching-up to do.显然,英国在很多方面都需要迎头赶上。We haven't seen each other in such a long time; we've got lots of catching up to do!我们许久没见面了,有很多事要聊!She thought of ringing him on the off chance of catching him at home.她想给他打电话,希望侥幸能在家里找到他。Scientists have come up with a novel way of catching fish.科学家想出了一种新颖的捕鱼方法。Louise makes hats that are eye-catching and unusual.路易丝制作的帽子引人注目,不同寻常。Well, officially I am on holiday this week, but I'm just catching up on some reports I have to finish.这周我名义上在休假,但事实上我还在赶写几份报告。A new fitness craze from Australia is rapidly catching on.澳大利亚传来的一种健身热正迅速传开。His twisted flip was catching her eyes as he tucked his knees in preparation for the upcoming ramp.他屈膝为接下来的斜坡做准备时的翻转动作吸引了她的目光。I'd say the chances of your catching the disease are infinitesimal.我觉得你得这种疾病的可能性是很小很小的。It gave him the ulterior object of catching votes.这给了他拉选票这个隐秘的目的。The Indians came out unexpectedly, catching the soldiers off-guard.印第安人突然出现,令士兵们措手不及。The police were catching the same kids stealing time after time.警察一次又一次地抓住同一些孩子在偷东西。Her eyes are the most catching I have ever seen.她的眼睛是我见到过的最迷人的。The idea has been around for ages without catching on.这一想法很久以来一直存在,但没有流行起来。You will have a hectic week with sudden events catching you unawares.出乎意料的突发事件会让你一星期忙碌不堪。Looking back I could see that the rest of the group were catching up with us.我回头看到组里的其他人快要赶上我们了。An expert angler was casting his line and catching a fish every time.钓鱼高手每次抛钓线都能钓上鱼。Julia's enthusiasm was catching.朱莉娅的热情很有感染力。Most leaders were obsessed with catching up with the West.大多数领导人一心想着赶超西方。At the moment our technology is more advanced, but other countries are catching up with us.目前我们的技术比较先进,但是其他国家正在赶上来。Police are appealing for help in catching the killers.警方呼吁协助捉拿凶手。The police are hopeful of catching the thieves.警方很有把握能捉住小偷。I would spend the time reading or catching up on my correspondence.我要花点儿时间读信,处理一下堆积的信函。This trend is catching on with/among college students.这种趋势在大学生中流行开来。A tearful husband repeated calls for help in catching the fiend who battered his wife.泪流满面的丈夫不断呼喊求助,想抓住毒打他妻子的恶棍。The local police are hopeful of catching those responsible for the graffiti.当地警方有望把乱涂乱画的人抓起来。Take some of this drug, it'll prevent you catching cold.吃点这种药吧,它可以帮你预防感冒。The probability of catching the disease from your partner is extremely low.从伴侣那里感染这种病的可能性极低。The Indians came out unexpectedly, catching the soldiers off-guard.印第安人突如其来地出现,令士兵们猝不及防。He really flubbed badly by not catching the ball.他没能接住球,犯了大错。Her novels have just been reissued with eye-catching new covers.她的小说刚进行了重印,新封面非常抢眼。Flu is catching, so stay away from work.流感会传染,所以别去上班了。All that stuff about catching giant fish was just a bit of poetic licence.有关捕捉大鱼的所有内容只是一点破格罢了。




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