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词汇 catches
例句 Roger made some brilliant catches at today's game.罗杰在今天比赛中接了几个漂亮球。Old age catches up with everyone in the end.每个人最终都会变老。When the sun catches these walks, it makes the hillside look like rich green corduroy.当阳光照射到这些山径的时候,半山腰看上去呈现出缕缕翠绿色的条纹。The spider catches an insect and parcels it up in silk.蜘蛛捉住一只昆虫,把它用蛛丝裹住。Eyemouth and Burnmouth boats landed big catches of cod and haddock.埃茅斯和伯恩茅斯的渔船捕获了大量的鳕鱼和黑线鳕。There are special catches on the cupboard doors so the children can't open them.橱柜门上装了特殊的门扣,这样小孩子就打不开了。He's threatened to get me if he ever catches me alone.他威胁说只要他发现只有我一个人就会揍我。I'll be on report if he catches me drinking again.倘若喝酒被他再次抓住,我准挨处分。More anglers are taking cameras when they go fishing to provide a memento of catches.更多的垂钓者去钓鱼的时候带上了照相机,以便钓上鱼后留个纪念。Lizzy catches the eye of wealthy landowner Mr Darcy.莉齐引起了富有的地主达西先生的注意。You'll be for it if she catches you.如果她逮到你,你会受到惩罚。She catches on fast and will soon be promoted.她领悟能力强,很快会获得提升。The painting catches the beauty of the Rockies perfectly.这幅画完美地再现了洛矶山脉之美。If the deer catches winds of us, he'll run into the woods.鹿一闻到我们的气味就会跑进树林。If Louise catches you going through her purse, you're dead!要是路易丝撞见你在翻她的钱包,你就死定了!The contestant who catches the most fish wins.捕鱼最多的参赛者获胜。My home catches fire and everything is destroyed.我家失了火,所有的东西都烧毁了。Newspaper catches fire easily.报纸容易着火。Fit windows with safety locks or catches.窗户要安装安全锁或安全闩。Isn't it beautiful the way the setting sun catches the tips of the trees?落日余晖照在树梢上难道不美吗?A fish in the river catches the light one second and swims off into a dark pool the next.河里的一条鱼闪现了一下,紧接着游到旁边的深水池里去了。He is poetry in motion when he catches and throws the ball.他接球和投球的动作非常优美。It will go hard with you if your father catches you smoking.要是你父亲发现你抽烟,你将吃苦头。The new portrait catches her likeness perfectly.这幅新的肖像画把她画得惟妙惟肖。The play only really catches fire once Aschenbach falls in love.这部剧直到阿申巴赫堕入情网后才真正开始精彩起来。She learned from experience that when grease catches on fire, you shouldn't put water on it.她从经验中得知,油脂着火时,切忌往上浇水。One catches the virus and they pass it on to the rest.一个人感染这种病毒然后传染给其余的人。Fishermen have been landing record catches this season.本季以来渔民不断刷新捕鱼纪录。You're dead if your mother catches you at that.这件事如果让你妈妈逮到,那你就要遭殃了。He catches for the New York Yankees.他在纽约扬基队当接球手。If she catches you, you're toast.一旦她抓住了你,那你就完蛋了。The homosexual issue catches all mainline churches in varying states of theological and emotional unpreparedness.同性恋问题使所有传统教会在神学与情感方面都或多或少地感到不知所措。My cat catches birds.我的猫会逮鸟。If he catches you, he'll let you have it.如果他抓住你,你就够受了。A born magpie, Mandy collects any object that catches her eye.曼迪天生喜欢收集小玩意,只要是她看上的都会收藏起来。She's a witch, and she'll cast a spell on you if she catches you.她是个女巫,如果让她逮住,她就会对你下咒语。




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