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词汇 银行账户
例句 He made out the check to me and signed it, and I deposited it in my account.他开了张支票给我并在上面签了名,我把它存入了我的银行账户Users will be able to use their hand-helds to check their bank accounts.用户将能使用自己的掌上电脑查看自己的银行账户The records show that she moved large amounts of money to a foreign bank account.记录表明她已把大量资金转入国外银行账户There must be sufficient funds in your bank account to cover the check.银行账户须有足够的钱才能兑付支票。She illegally siphoned money out of other people's bank accounts.她从他人的银行账户里盗取资金。My bank account was empty.我的银行账户没钱了。The records contain the bank details of all employees.这些记录包括所有职员的银行账户资料。The money is automatically taken out of your bank account every month.这笔钱每月自动从你的银行账户里被取出。I received written notice that my bank account will be credited. 我收到书面通知,说我的银行账户将有钱入账。I have no money in my bank account, and I'm behind with my rent.银行账户里没有钱了,房租还欠着没交。I found she had siphoned thousands of dollars from our bank account.我发现她偷偷地从我们的银行账户里转移走了数千美元。He makes monthly payments into his ex-wife's bank account.他每月将款项打进前妻的银行账户She has a healthy bank account.她的银行账户有很多钱。Reviewing your bank account regularly allows you to check that your account is in balance.定期查看银行账户可以使你了解账户是否收支平衡。My wife and I have separate bank accounts.我和妻子有各自的银行账户Lawyers unearthed evidence that he held several bank accounts.律师发现了他有几个银行账户的证据。I am intimately acquainted with the state of my bank account.我对我银行账户的情况十分清楚。How much money do you have in your bank account?你的银行账户上有多少钱?That last holiday seriously depleted my bank account!上次度假花掉了我银行账户里的一大笔钱!Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash.公司不能从银行账户中提取现金。Andrews had stashed money away in secret bank accounts.安德鲁斯已经将钱存到了秘密的银行账户中。He says he doesn't have any money when in fact he has thousands of dollars in his account.他说自己没有钱,可实际上他的银行账户里有几千美元。My son's bank account is usually in the red.我儿子的银行账户经常出现赤字。We'll pay the money directly into your bank account.我们将把钱直接付到你的银行账户上。She's squirreled a lot of money away in a secret bank account.她把一大笔钱存进一个秘密的银行账户What is the procedure for opening a bank account?银行账户有哪些手续?There is a fear that the freeze on bank accounts could prove a lasting deterrent to investors.人们担心冻结银行账户可能会长期阻碍投资。The courts have frozen her bank account.法庭冻结了她的银行账户The new system makes it easier to access the money in your bank account.新系统使人们从自己的银行账户中取钱更便捷。It's easy to check your bank account via the Internet.借助因特网很容易检查你的银行账户More than €2.5 million lies unclaimed in bank accounts.银行账户里有超过两百五十万欧元的无主存款。We closed our bank account and opened a new one online.我们撤销了银行账户,并在网上新开了一个。My salary is paid into my bank account.我的工资直接存入我的银行账户My mom was in fact quite independent. She had always had a job and her own bank account.我妈妈实际上相当独立。她一直有工作,一直有自己的银行账户Huge sums were spirited away into secret bank accounts.大笔金额被偷偷转入了秘密的银行账户You received $50,000. How much of that money is still in your bank account?你收到了五万美元,这笔钱在你银行账户里还剩下多少?Employees are paid by direct transfer to a bank account.雇员的工资直接转入银行账户Everyone likes to have a healthy bank balance.人人都想自己的银行账户有充足的余额。My parents have separate bank accounts.我父母各自有独立的银行账户The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.英国警方没有处理外国银行账户的权限。




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