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词汇 钱财
例句 I prefer not to expose my money to too much risk.我不想把自己的钱财置于太大的风险之中。His finances were in complete disorder. 他的钱财完全是一笔糊涂账。They brainwash people into giving up all their money.他们向人们强行灌输放弃所有钱财的思想。These people lack the wherewithal for a decent existence.这些人缺少过体面生活所需的钱财He didn't care a whit about the money.他对于钱财一点都不在乎。His cocaine habit ruined him physically and financially.他的可卡因瘾使他的身体毁了,钱财尽失。He started stealing as a way of making easy money.他开始偷东西,靠这种手段轻松获取钱财All the gold in the world won't make you happy.世界上所有的钱财都不能让你幸福。That guy is capable of squeezing money out of his old mother.那家伙做得出勒索老母亲钱财的事来。He got caught skimming off funds from the charity.他被发现从慈善机构窃取钱财To rake in the shekels is the right thing to do.搜刮钱财才是正事。Gamblers and confidence men prey on Jack and many of his friends.赌棍和骗子常靠骗取杰克及其许多朋友的钱财过活。Money is a perennial source of disagreement among couples.钱财历来是夫妇之间不和的根源。I loved him for his floccinaucinihilipilification of money.我爱他是因他视钱财如粪土。I think males have a tendency to hoard.我认为男性往往会私藏钱财She inherited the money from her mother.她从母亲那里继承了那笔钱财Her lust for money is insatiable.她对钱财贪得无厌。His ex-wife clearly intends to bleed him for every last penny.他的前妻显然是想榨干他的钱财She does not love him and she cares nothing for his money.她不爱他,也根本没看上他的钱财In money terms, the event was a disaster.钱财的角度而言,这件事是一场灾难。He plays a conniving swindler who charms people into giving him money.他扮演一个诱骗他人钱财的阴险骗子。They had concocted a scheme/plan to steal money from the company.他们策划窃取公司钱财Why should the state get the lion's share of people's money?为什么国家应该得到人民的钱财中的绝大部分呢?You're being very foolish, giving away money like that.你像那样赠送钱财是十分愚蠢的。Their landlord regularly milks them for extra money by claiming for damage to his property.他们的房东经常声称房产被损坏向他们榨取额外的钱财He sees money as the root of all evil.他将钱财看成是万恶之源。A consolidation of the family's resources made his trip possible.他把家里所有钱财凑在一起才可能成行。She left the country amid suggestions that she had stolen from the company.她在一片关于她盗窃了公司钱财的传言声中离开了那个国家。This whole holiday was a colossal waste of money.这次度假浪费了大量的钱财Kevin Maxwell faced two charges of conspiring to defraud pensioners.凯文·马克斯韦尔面临两项密谋诈骗领养老金者钱财的指控。They cheated the old woman of her house and money.他们骗取了老妇人的房屋和钱财She was robbed of her fortune.她被抢走了钱财He bequeathed all his silver to his children.他把他所有的钱财都留给了孩子。The club treasurer is held answerable to the club for the money given to him.俱乐部司库对交付给他的钱财应向俱乐部负责。The police turned the place inside out looking for the stolen money.警方为寻找被盗的钱财把这个地方翻了个底朝天。They acquired the money through questionable means.他们可能是通过不正当的方式获取钱财的。He was mulcted of his money by a shrewd trick.他被人用奸计骗去了钱财He obtained money by false pretences.他用欺骗手段获取钱财The whole system was corrupt - every official she approached wanted money before helping her.整个体系都腐败了——她接触的所有官员在帮她之前都索要钱财He was practised in dealing with money and with men.他在处理钱财人事上都富有经验。




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