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This pen should last (you) a lifetime if you take care of it.如果注意爱护,这支钢笔可以用上一辈子。He sat behind a desk laboriously writing with an Army issue pen.他坐在书桌后吃力地写着,用的是一支部队发的钢笔。She scrabbled around in her handbag for a pen.她在手提包里翻找钢笔。The pen rolled to the edge of the table and dropped to the floor.钢笔滚到桌边,掉在地上。The children need new pens and pencils and things like that.孩子们需要新钢笔和新铅笔,以及那一类的东西。Martina was fiddling nervously with her pen.马丁娜紧张地摆弄着钢笔。He raked through his pockets, trying to find a pen.他仔细搜他的口袋,想找一支钢笔。The boss has swiped my pen again.老板又把我的钢笔偷走了。The pen she thought she had lost was actually on her desk, right under her very nose.她原以为丢失的钢笔就在她面前的桌子上。There was no ink in the bottle and very little left in the pen.瓶里没有墨水,钢笔里也剩很少了。Leila rooted through her handbag for a pen.莉拉在手提包里翻找钢笔。I'm looking for a pen with a red top. 我正在找一支有红色笔帽的钢笔。Don't forget to give my pen back when you've finished with it.用完我的钢笔后别忘了还给我。My pen seems to be running out of ink - I need a refill.我的钢笔好像没墨水了——我需要再去灌满。Pens, pencils, markers, and suchlike are in this drawer.钢笔、铅笔、记号笔和诸如此类的文具在这个抽屉里。My pen won't write smoothly.我的钢笔写字不滑顺。He raised his voice and stabbed the air with his pen.他提高嗓门,并用手中的钢笔在空中比比划划。Dexter gnawed his pen thoughtfully.德克斯特若有所思地咬着钢笔。I went back into the office to get a pen.我回到办公室去拿了一支钢笔。Do you happen to have a pen I can borrow?你有没有钢笔能借我用一下?There's a pen floating around here somewhere.就在这儿附近的某个地方有支钢笔。His pen scratched away on the paper.他的钢笔写在纸上刷刷地响。The pen drove across the paper.钢笔飞快划过纸面。The boys were poking the insects with a pen.男孩子们正在用一支钢笔拨弄着那些小虫子。She reached into her bag and fished out a pen.她伸进包里掏出一支钢笔。He poked around under the bed for his pen.他在床底下找钢笔。I rummaged in my bag for a pen.我在包里翻找钢笔。Can I borrow your pen? Lovely, thanks.我可以借一下你的钢笔吗?太好了,谢谢。Can I borrow your pen?我可以借你的钢笔用一下吗?I'm sorry to trouble you, but can I borrow a pen?对不起,打搅了,我能借用你的钢笔吗?Do you by any chance have a pen with you?你身边也许带着支钢笔吧? She glanced down at the neat black pen and ink sketch on her page.她朝下瞄了一眼书页上简洁的黑墨水钢笔素描。Frank snatched the pen from Rachel.弗兰克从雷切尔手中夺过钢笔。He spoke casually and toyed with his pen.他一边漫不经心地说着,一边摆弄他的钢笔。She delved into her handbag in search of a pen.她在手提包中翻找钢笔。Be sure to cap the pen/marker when you are done using it.用完钢笔/标记笔后,一定要把笔帽盖上。She dug around in her bag for a pen.她在包里翻找钢笔。The pen has a large ink reservoir.这支钢笔的贮墨管很大。Here are two pens; one is for you and the other is for your sister.这儿有两支钢笔;这支给你,另一支给你妹妹。This pen's scratchy. Do you have another one?这只钢笔不好写。你还有别的吗? |