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词汇 量刑
例句 She was still young, he said, and that would be taken into account when deciding her sentence.他说,她还年轻,而这一点在对她量刑时将会予以考虑。The prison sentence seemed harsh, considering the triviality of the offence.考虑到该违法行为并不严重,判决入狱似乎量刑偏重。For crimes involving the use of guns, the sentences are particularly stiff.对于持枪犯罪行为,量刑特别重。As a first offender, he received a lenient sentence.因为是初犯,他被从宽量刑The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason.新法律将规定对公职腐败适用与叛国罪相同的量刑标准。Courts can show a considerable degree of latitude when it comes to applying the law.法庭在依法量刑断案方面有较大的自由度。Stricter punishments will be given to those convicted of peddling drugs to children.对于向儿童出售毒品的罪犯,将会加重量刑There was a gross disparity between the pettiness of the crime and the severity of the sentence.罪行之轻与量刑之重之间极为不对等。She was visibly shaken by the severity of her sentence, and left the court in tears.量刑之重显然使她大受打击,她哭着离开了法庭。Was Pollard's life sentence just or was it too severe?判处波拉德终身监禁是公正合理还是量刑过重?Judges should be given more discretion over sentencing.法官在量刑上应得到更大的自由裁量权。The prosecution complained that Gutierrez's sentence was far too lenient.控方抱怨说对古提雷兹的量刑太轻。The punishment should fit the crime.量刑应与罪行相当。The punishment should adequately reflect the revulsion felt by most people for this appalling crime.量刑应充分反映出大多数人对这一骇人听闻的罪行的深恶痛绝。The Supreme Court held that the trial court had acted properly.最高法院裁定初审法院量刑得当。Let us fit the punishment to the crime.让我们按罪量刑The Bishop said he was sickened by the severity of the sentence.主教说他对如此重的量刑大为震惊。The sentence is totally disproportionate to the offence.这一量刑与所犯罪行完全不相称。This sentence is totally disproportionate to the alleged offence.从所犯罪行来看,这一量刑完全不合理。There is a need for proportionality in sentencing.量刑时需要做到罚罪相当。The decision to impose a mild sentence was seen as a moral victory.量刑从轻的判决被看作是道义上的胜利。He said there was a need for proportionality in sentencing.他说量刑时应当做到罚罪相当。Critics are claiming that the sentence is not proportional to the crime.批评家们声称量刑与罪行不相称。Some police officers have criticized judges for being too lenient with car thieves and burglars.一些警察指责法官对盗车贼和入室行窃的人量刑太轻。




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