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例句 He wants to gen up on the whereabouts of the money.他想查明那笔钱的下落。Any journalist who writes a story without checking his facts is simply laying himself open to criticism.任何记者如果不查明事实就报道出来,实在有可能使自己招致批评。Doctors cannot find a cure for the illness until they have identified the cause.医生查明病因后才能找到治疗的方法。We tried to locate the source of the sound.我们试图查明声音是从哪儿发出来的。We need to find out if his offer still holds.我们得查明他的报价是否仍然有效。I was determined to get at the truth.我决心要查明事情的真相。Have they managed to pinpoint the location of the boat yet?他们查明这艘船的确切位置了吗?The cause of the fire was not readily/easily ascertainable.火灾原因无法轻易查明I am determined to find out the rights and wrongs of this matter.我决心查明这件事的真相。The cause of the problem was not immediately clear. 造成问题的原因没有当即查明An expedition reconnoitered the coast to find out the exact location of enemy forces.一支探险队侦察了海岸线,以查明敌军的准确位置。A postmortem was ordered to try to ascertain the cause of death.下令验尸以查明死因。The corpse was identified on the basis of dental records.依据牙科记录查明了尸体身份。I know you will never be at peace until you have discovered where your brother is.我知道,不查明你兄弟在哪儿你永远都不得安宁。They had their tablets analysed to find out whether they were getting the real drug or not.他们将药片拿去化验以查明他们得到的是否是真药。She was determined to discover the truth about her boss.她下决心要查明老板的真相。She will not rest until she gets to the bottom of the matter.查明事实真相她不会安心。We'll get to the bottom of this conspiracy and find out who's behind it!我们将弄清这起阴谋的真相,查明谁是幕后的主使。Investigators are still trying to determine why the airplane crashed. 调查人员仍在努力查明飞机坠毁的原因。The journalist protested that he was only trying to get at the truth.记者抗议说,他只想查明事情的真相。We haven't yet established the cause of the accident.我们尚未查明事故的起因。The police are trying to locate the missing man.警方正设法查明那个失踪者的下落。Prosecutors may try to determine if Robb gave false testimony when he appeared before the grand jury.控方可能要努力查明罗布是否在大陪审团面前作了伪证。Airline screeners found a suspicious package in his luggage which turned out to be a bomb.机场安检人员在他的行李中发现一件可疑包裹,最终查明是枚炸弹。The police are questioning some people to try and get behind the bank robbery.警方正在讯问一些人,设法查明银行抢劫案的真相。Price Waterhouse have traced the losses to lenders' inflated assessments of mortgaged property.普华永道会计师事务所已经查明损失源于贷方对按揭财产估值过高。We're still trying to make out what really happened.我们还在努力查明到底发生了什么。An inquiry will be held to discover why the school's educational record is so bad.将进行一项调查以查明该校的学业成绩如此低的原因。Data recorders also pinpoint mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.数据记录仪还能迅速查明机械故障,减少维修次数。The investigator established that the bullets had been fired by two security police officers.调查员查明子弹是两名治安警官发射的。Investigators are trying to establish if/whether anyone knew about these problems before the accident.调查人员正努力查明是否有人在事故发生之前就已经知道这些问题。She was rubber-heeling on me to make certain there were no slip-ups.她正在对我作内部调查,以查明确实没有疏漏。They finally found out about his thieving.他们最终查明了他偷窃的事。She would later find out the truth about her husband.她以后会查明有关她丈夫的真相。Scientists will try to determine whether the virus has crossed over to any other species.科学家们将查明这种病毒是否会影响到其他物种。She was not a little upset when she found out what had happened.查明发生了什么事情之后感到有些沮丧。I took steps to assure myself of her guilt.我采取措施查明她的罪行。The investigation will determine what really happened.调查会查明到底发生了什么事情。I'll get back to you when I find out.待我查明后反馈给你。 The court heard that he stood to gain millions in insurance on his wife.法庭审理查明他妻子数百万元的保险金很可能由他获得。




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