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词汇 野猪
例句 The hunter fired and the wild boar fell dead.猎人开枪,野猪倒毙。He encountered boars, wild dogs, and wolves in the woods.在森林中他遇到过野猪,野狗和狼。If they happened to kill a wild boar or an antelope, they would roast it whole.如果他们碰巧杀死了一头野猪或羚羊,就会整个烤了吃。These pigs are close cousins of the wild hog.这些猪和野猪是近亲。People used to hunt wild boar.人们过去猎杀野猪The breed is almost directly descended from the Eurasian wild boar.这一品种几乎是欧亚野猪的直系后代。During the rutting season the big boars have the most terrible mating battles.野猪到了发情期会为了交配而斗得不可开交。Wild boar readily hybridises with the domestic pig.野猪很容易和家猪杂交。Wild boar are numerous in the valleys.山谷里有无数野猪出没。We disturbed a wild boar that had been foraging by the roadside.我们惊动了一只一直在路边觅食的野猪Wild boar readily hybridizes with the domestic pig.野猪很容易和家猪杂交。Boars harboured in the dense wood.野猪躲藏在密林里。




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