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词汇 truth
例句 All I want is the truth.我只想知道实情。She adjured him by his belief in God to tell the truth.她命令他本着对上帝的信仰讲出真话。There is no truth in the story.这个故事毫无事实根据。To tell you the truth, I hate to do it.老实告诉你,我不愿意做这事。There is a certain measure of truth in what you say.你说的有几分道理。She told him the plain unvarnished truth.她直截了当地告诉了他实情。I believe truth will overcome.我相信真理将会获胜。I can't conceal the truth from you any longer.我再也不能向你隐瞒真相了。I'm determined to find out the truth.我决心查出事实真相。This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim successes where none, in fact, existed.这份报告表明她歪曲事实,她所宣称的那些成就其实根本不存在。The truth is more prosaic than the legend.事实比不上传说那样富有诗意。I'll go to any lengths to protect her from the truth.我将竭尽全力不让她知道真相。There is a particle of truth in his statement.他的陈述中有一点点实话。This newspaper is dependable, it always tells the truth.这张报纸很可靠,一贯报导真实情况。The truth is just the reverse.真实情况恰好相反。Don't try to spare our feelings – tell us the truth.不用怕我们伤心,告诉我们真相吧。The idea that Billy and I are at each other's throats couldn't be further from the truth.认为我和比利斗得你死我活的想法真是大错特错。She discovered the truth about his sordid past.她发现了他不光彩的过去。This whole saga has been a pretty significant victory for truth.整部传奇故事写的是真理赢得的重大胜利。It was only then that I began to learn the unpalatable truth about John.直到那时我才开始了解到有关约翰的一些令人难以接受的实情。She doesn't seem to understand the difference between truth and falsehood.她似乎并不明白真实与虚假的区别。It's time they opened their eyes to the truth.是他们该知道真相的时候了。He realized the truth in Adam's words.他意识到亚当话语中的真实性。They are groping after the truth.他们正在探求真理。I would think/hope that he was telling the truth, but I really don't know.我想/希望他说的是实情,但是我真的不知道。The Sports Cafe is, in truth, no more than a theme restaurant.这家运动咖啡馆实际上不过是一个主题餐馆罢了。Then the chilling truth dawned on Captain Gary Snavely.接着加里·斯内夫利船长意识到了这个令人不寒而栗的事实。How far did the film tell the truth about Barnes Wallis?.影片讲述的巴恩斯·沃利斯的故事有多少真实的成分?He went to great lengths to learn the truth.他竭尽全力了解真相。No one knows the whole truth.没有人知道全部实情。He can't distinguish between truth and fiction.他分不清真实与虚构。They had the courage to speak the truth.他们勇敢地说出了事实真相。Yesterday, the men's families held a news conference in their campaign to find out the truth.昨天,这些男子的家人举行了记者招待会,以发起查明真相的运动。Somehow I knew he would tell me the truth.不知何故,我总觉得他会把真相告诉我的。To tell the truth, I don't think you're right.说实话,我认为你不对。The truth was that she did not enjoy getting together with the rest of her family.事实是她不喜欢与家人一起。Some truth has been vouchsafed them.已让他们与闻部分的事实真相。I'm going to have to tell him the truth.我得把真相告诉他。The truth about her marriage came home to her when he left her.他遗弃她时,她才看清了自己婚姻的真面目。He was stretching the truth to make the story more interesting.他夸大事实,以使整件事更加有趣。




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