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词汇 野心
例句 He was nakedly ambitious.他的野心昭然若揭。They were ambitious for worldly power and possessions.他们有追逐世俗权势和财富的野心Little by little he revealed his ambitions.他渐渐地暴露出他的野心Simpson's ruthless ambition and weakness for self-promotion has not made him the most popular journalist in the BBC.辛普森不择手段的勃勃野心和自抬身价的毛病使他没能成为英国广播公司最受欢迎的记者。Union bosses used their members as cannon fodder in industrial wars that suited their own ambitions.工会头头们为实现自己野心,在罢工斗争中把会员当作牺牲品。She is driven by a devouring ambition/passion.她被巨大的野心/强烈的激情冲昏了头脑。The movie tells the story of a woman consumed by ambition/hatred.这部电影讲述了一个满怀野心/仇恨的女人的故事。Her ruthless ambition was covered by a thin gloss of good manners.她冷酷的野心被表面上的彬彬有礼所掩盖。Everybody knew he had his eye on the White House.大家都知道他有当总统的野心He stank of ambition from the outset.从一开始他的野心就太大了。Macbeth is the story of a Scottish soldier who becomes king but is undone by his own ambition.《麦克白》讲的是一位苏格兰士兵当上了国王却毁于自己野心的故事。You should try to restrain your ambitions and be more realistic.你应该尽量控制自己的野心,更现实一些。She's the most nakedly ambitious person I know.她是我认识的最赤裸裸地表露其野心的人。He wants the job purely for reasons of vanity and ambition.他想得到那份工作纯粹是为了满足虚荣和野心He stands accused of destroying the party in pursuit of his presidential ambitions.他被指责为实现自己当总统的野心而不惜毁灭该党。Salamander's unquenched ambitions lead him to strive toward absolute control over the galaxy.萨拉曼德无止境的野心使他奋力追求对星系的绝对控制权。He no longer had ambitions to occupy the throne.他不再有占据王位的野心She flatly disclaimed any such ambition.她断然否认抱有这样的野心She is driven by overweening ambition.她被不可一世的野心所驱使。Max is a classic example of a man who can't control his ambition.马克斯是很典型的控制不了自己野心的人。Her early success only served to feed her ambition.早年的成功只是助长了她的野心Political and personal ambitions are starting to prevail over economic interests.政治抱负和个人野心开始压倒经济利益。Politics is clubby, careerist, and cynical.政治是排外的,充满野心的,只顾自己不顾他人的。There's a very fine line between personal ambition and ruthlessness.个人野心和冷酷无情之间几乎没有差别。They both have enormous egos and tremendous ambition.他俩都非常自负并有极大的野心In a number of cases ambition has outreached realism.在很多情况下,野心往往大于现实。He was a ruthless businessman, motivated by naked ambition and greed.他是个无情的商人,受赤裸裸的野心和贪婪的驱使。There are no bounds to his ambition.他的野心是无止境的。




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