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词汇 decline
例句 We can expect a further decline in job vacancies.可以预计,就业机会将进一步减少。She rightly anticipated a decline in the value of the stock.她准确预料到那只股票价值的下跌。The sales chart shows a distinct decline in the past few months.销售图表明在过去几个月里销售量明显下降。Inflation is rampant and industry in decline.通胀势头严重,工业不断下滑。The country's No.1 killer, heart disease, is on the decline.该国致死率最高的心脏病发病率正在下降。Getting education wrong is the surest indicator of future economic decline.教育搞得不好预示着未来经济一定会下滑。There's been a progressive decline in the standard of living over the past few years.最近几年的生活水平每况愈下。Presently she fell into a decline and died.不久,她染上了痨病,最终过世了。Such actions would most likely lead to the decline of rural communities.这样的行动极有可能会导致乡村社区的衰落。The first signs of economic decline became visible.经济衰退的最初迹象开始显现出来。The country has been in a very poor economic state ever since the decline of its two major industries.自从这个国家的两大支柱产业衰退后,其经济一直萎靡不振。With the recent decline of the housing prices, all the owners of our community have become "underwater".最近房价大跌之后,我们这个社区的房主全都资不抵债了。The economy is in decline.经济正处于衰退状态。There has been a decline in enrollment in liberal arts courses.选文科课程的人数有所下降。The spread of nationalism anticipated the decline of the Empire.民族主义的蔓延加速了帝国的衰落。There was a decline in the country's death rate after its health care improved.医疗保健得到改善后,这个国家的人口死亡率下降了。In Latin we learned how to decline nouns.学习拉丁语要了解名词的变格。There has been a decline in the use of the subway system over recent years.近年来乘坐地铁的人数下降了。There's been a decline in the living standards of old people.老年人的生活水平有所下降。The decline in his influence mirrors a drop in his prestige.他的影响的减弱反映出他威信的下降。The economy experienced a decline of two million jobs.经济形势使两百万人失业。The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.同居人数增加,这弥补了结婚人数的减少。He has experienced a decline in health.他的健康已经每况愈下。The rise in unemployment is symptomatic of a general decline in the economy.失业率上升是经济全面衰退的征兆。The recent decline of the stock market does not necessarily signify the start of a recession.股市近期的低迷并不一定说明经济开始衰退了。The town fell/went into decline after the factory closed down.那家工厂倒闭后,整个镇子走向萧条。The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September.九月份经济继续显示出下滑迹象。There has been a regrettably large decline in wages.工资大幅下跌,令人遗憾。Civilizations do eventually decline and perish.各种文明最后都会衰落、消亡。Recent years have seen a decline in the company's influence within the industry.最近这些年,公司在业内的影响力已经有所下降。The new system may be more economic but will lead to a decline in programme quality.新系统可能会盈利更多,但将导致节目质量下降。Lack of investment had led to a decline in public services.缺乏投入导致公共服务走了下坡路。There was a general feeling that the country was in decline. 人们普遍感觉到那个国家正在衰败。The leader's decline in popularity is causing disquiet among supporters.领导人声望的下降令支持者深感忧虑。Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales.据称年销售额下滑幅度最大的零售商中包括家具和地毯零售商。This greased the decline in department store sales.这促使百货商店销售量下降。The TV series will be axed owing to a decline in popularity.因为收视率下降,这部电视连续剧会被砍掉。Sales are on the decline.销售量在下降。Cheque use is on the decline among personal bank customers.银行个人客户对支票的使用越来越少。His career has been on the decline for some years now.他事业下滑已经有些年头了。




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