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词汇 重物
例句 His arm muscles bunched out with the effort of lifting.他手臂上的肌肉因举重物而凸了出来。His biceps bulged as he lifted the weights.他举起重物时二头肌鼓了起来。The women carried their burdens on their backs.那些女人背负重物The care of old people necessarily involves quite a lot of heavy lifting.照顾老年人必定要干很多搬重物的活。To avoid back problems, always bend your knees when you lift heavy objects.为防止背部的毛病,提起重物的时候一定要曲膝。When lifting heavy weights, make sure that your back is in the correct positions.重物时背部保持恰当的姿势。The heavily-loaded garbage truck lumbered down the street.满载重物的垃圾车笨重地驶过街道。They eased the heavy block into position.他们小心地把重物放置就位了。He hoisted the dead weight over his shoulder.他把那死沉的重物扛到了肩上。A weight lifter can lift a very heavy weight.举重运动员能举起很重的重物The victim was apparently killed by a blow to the head with a heavy object.受害人显然是被重物重击头部致死的。The physiotherapy involved moving weights attached to a pulley.物理疗法包括用滑轮移动重物She has a bad back and can't do any heavy lifting.她的背不好,不能搬重物Try not to lift heavy weights.不要试图举起重物The heavy weight sprang one of the beams.重物把一根横梁压得开裂了。He tied weights to the sack and hurled it into the river.他在袋子上系了些重物,然后把它丢到河里。His doctor has told him that he must not lift anything heavy.医生告诫他不能举重物If you keep on lifting those heavy weights, you'll do yourself an injury.如果你继续举那些重物,你会受伤的。Ships usually use seawater, rocks or other heavy materials as ballast.船只通常用海水、石块或其他重物做压舱物。I felt as if there was a weight on my chest, choking me.我感觉好像有重物压在我胸口,让我喘不过气来。I use pie weights to keep the pie crust from bubbling when I bake it.我烤馅饼时在上面压上重物,以免馅饼的外皮起泡。He braced his muscles and lifted the weight.他把肌肉绷紧,一使劲举起那重物I can't lift heavy weights because of my bad back.我因背部有毛病,提不了重物Heavy lifting is a cause of muscle strain.搬抬重物是导致肌肉拉伤的一个原因。To reduce the amount of stress on your back, bend your knees when you lift something heavy.为了减轻背部压力,举重物时要屈膝。A wealthy businessman has been found bludgeoned to death.一位富商被发现死于重物连续猛击。Avoid bending at the waist when lifting heavy objects.搬起重物时不要弯腰。Divers fasten weights around their waists to help them stay under water.潜水员把重物系在腰上使自己沉在水下。They transported the heavier objects on wooden rollers.他们利用木头脚轮运送重物Something heavy came clattering down the stairs.重物咣当咣当地从楼梯上滚下来。The men were struggling with their heavy loads.这些男子背负着重物艰难地行走着。Always stretch your deltoids after lifting weights.提举重物以后一定要舒展一下三角肌。If you're lifting something heavy, be careful not to hurt your back when you straighten up.重物起身的时候,当心不要伤着背部。The weights are moved via a cable and pulley system.重物通过缆绳和滑轮系统运送。




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