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These ideas are still used today, though in a slightly modified form.这些构想如今仍在采用,只是形式稍有些变化。The evidence she uses is usually highly authoritative.她采用的证据通常都具有很高的可信度。The police have been accused of using strongarm tactics when breaking up strikes and public demonstrations.警察已被指责在制止罢工和民众示威时采用了高压手段。What spelt political doom for her was the ill-advised introduction of a new method of financing local government spending.导致她仕途失意的,是她不甚明智地采用了一种资助地方政府开支的新方法。The government plans to introduce export credits.政府计划采用出口退税政策。Many sports shows have recently adopted the conventions of the talk show.许多体育节目最近都采用了脱口秀的惯用形式。The mayor was the propellent force for new traffic lights.这位市长力倡采用新的交通信号灯。The methods they employed were heavily biased in favour / favor of the rich.他们采用的方法非常偏袒有钱人。In Hollywood, white stars are adopting black idioms, dress styles and manners.在好莱坞,白人明星也采用了黑人的惯用语、衣着打扮和行为方式。Under the tutelage of my clued-up wife, I'm starting a new, sensible regime.在见多识广的妻子的指导下,我正开始采用一种新的、切合实际的管理方法。Instruction in these subjects is almost exclusively by lecture.这些科目的教学几乎全部采用讲座的形式。In the example mentioned above, either method of construction could have been used.在上面提到的例子中,可能采用了两种中的任一种建造方法。Lose pounds with our new diet plan!采用我们的新饮食方案瘦身吧!Protesters must only use lawful methods of opposing the government.抗议者必须采用合法手段来反对政府。This commission would keep environmental scorecards on UN member nations.该委员会将对联合国的成员国采用环境记录卡制。They've introduced a system of metering the amount of water used in a household.他们采用了一套计量家用自来水使用量的方法。He adopted the prose form.他采用散文形式。We use a system of job rotation to keep staff stimulated.我们采用工作轮换制来保持员工的积极性。The TV show uses jumpy hand-held camerawork, to give it an edgy, urban feel.这个电视节目在拍摄时采用抖动手持摄像的办法,以营造一种城市里躁动不安的感觉。The two schools differ in their approach to discipline.两所学校在纪律要求方面采用的方法不同。The fabric comes in paisley.这块织物是采用佩斯利旋涡纹图案织的。Millions of words have been written about the introduction of the euro.有关采用欧元的文章数不胜数。It was a most fruitful discussion, with both sides agreeing to adopt a common policy.这是一次富有成果的讨论,双方达成一致采用共同的政策。The magazine is produced using a desktop publishing system.该杂志是采用桌面出版系统来制作的。In small homes a single colour scheme can create a sense of space.面积小的住宅采用单一色彩设计可以产生一种空间感。Many countries have a republican form of government.很多国家采用共和政体。What kind of exposure should I use for a dark subject on a light background?我该采用哪种曝光模式来拍摄浅色背景下的深色物体?Logistics companies use computer-aided routing to maximize efficiency.物流公司采用计算机辅助设计发货路线,以达到最大效率。The school uses traditional teaching methods.这所学校采用的是传统教学法。Observational research uses data collected during routine clinical care. 观察性研究采用在日常临床护理中收集的数据。She introduced a welcome vein of humor.她采用了一种颇受欢迎的幽默风格。When jumping over an obstacle into water, the approach should be made with a collected but active canter.骑马越过障碍物入水时,应当采用小跑方式,步伐要既平稳又迅捷。To stop the fighting there requires the threat and probably the actuality of military force.要平息那里的战火就要威胁采用甚至真正动用军事力量。The rebel army's tactics are more than a match for the nation's military forces.叛军所采用的战术远比该国军队的战术高明。The tribes use a system of barter.这些部落采用以物易物的制度。This is a progressive firm that uses the most modern systems of operation in its business.先进的公司在经营业务中采用最现代化的运作机制。We need to adopt more modern methods of doing things.我们需要采用更加现代的办事方法。In switching to the metric system, the nation's approach is the quick plunge.在改用公制方面,这个国家采用的办法是说干就干,立即行动。The police are currently pursuing several lines of inquiry into the case.目前警方采用不同的方式来调查该案件。You need to systematize your approach to problem solving.你需要采用有条理的方法解决问题。 |