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词汇 淹没
例句 Another bountiful monsoon is under way, flooding the pores and cracks of a parched land.眼下又是一个雨量充沛的雨季,充沛的雨水淹没了干裂的土地。She thought of the tide rushing in, covering the wet sand.她想象潮汐涌来,淹没潮湿的沙滩。They brought the audience to such a pitch of excitement that you could no longer hear the music.他们使观众情绪如此激动,甚至音乐声已淹没其中。Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.他们的街区正被科罗拉多河上涨的河水淹没When the levees broke, the rush of water flooded the area.堤坝决口时,倾泻而出的河水淹没了这一地区。The river overflowed its banks.河水淹没了两岸。She was shouted down when she tried to speak on the issue of abortion.她试图谈论流产问题时,话音被叫喊声淹没了。Jane was soon swallowed up in the crowd.简很快淹没在人群中。The office has been barraged with phone calls.办公室被潮水般的电话所淹没The waters were rising about the rock and would soon submerge it.水快涨到跟岩石一样高了,很快就会淹没它。The river flooded its banks and morphed into a giant sea that swamped the town.河水漫过堤岸,变成一片汪洋,淹没了城镇。The city was deluged when the river burst its banks.河流决口淹没了这座城市。Most of the mouth of the cave was submerged in the lake.洞口大半都淹没在湖里。Water burst through the dam and flooded local villages.水决堤淹没了附近的村庄。He prophesied that a flood would cover the earth.他预言洪水将淹没地球。All of a sudden the view was obliterated by the fog.突然之间雾气淹没了这片景象。He headed back towards the flea market and was quickly swallowed up in the crowd.他转身朝跳蚤市场走去,很快淹没在人群中。The noise of the machinery made her voice inaudible.机器的噪音淹没了她的声音。He plumped over head and ears into the water.他扑通掉入水中淹没了。The village was engulfed by drifting sands.村子被流沙淹没The thunder of the sea on the rocks seemed to blank out other thoughts.海水拍打礁石的咆哮声似乎要淹没一切思绪。The spillover from the adjacent river flooded the lower fields.附近河流涨出的河水淹没了低地。The mouth of the cave was submerged in the lake.山洞口被湖水淹没了。Their footprints were soon covered by the incoming tide.他们的足迹很快被上涨的潮水淹没了。The consumer's voice is often drowned out by entrenched interests.消费者的声音常常被既得利益所淹没Breaking the dam could submerge downstream cities such as Wuhan.摧毁大坝可能会淹没下游城市,比如武汉。High tides have swamped the coast.高涨的潮水淹没了海岸。The whole village was inundated by the tsunami.整座村庄被海啸给淹没Every spring the river floods the valley.每年春天河水都要淹没这块谷地。The children's shouts drowned out the music.孩子们的叫喊淹没了音乐声。The rains came and flooded the valley.暴雨时节来临,雨水淹没了山谷。Clapping drowned the speaker's words for a moment.鼓掌声一度淹没了发言人的声音。His voice was drowned out by the traffic.他的说话声被来往的车辆声淹没了。The noise killed the music.噪音淹没了音乐。Her words were drowned out by the roar of the engine.她的话被机器的轰鸣声淹没了。Low-lying areas could be inundated by rising rivers.低洼地带可能会被上涨的河水淹没The Ventura river burst its banks, swamping a mobile home park.本图拉河决堤,淹没了活动板房区。Some stretches of beach are completely underwater at high tide.海滩上有些段地方在涨潮时完全淹没在水中。Sea walls collapsed, and low-lying areas were flooded.海堤溃决,海水淹没了低洼地区。The noise of the machines drowned his voice.机器声将他的声音淹没了。




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