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词汇 酿成
例句 Alcohol was a contributor to the accident.酒是酿成这一事故的一个因素。He accused the local council of allowing a needless tragedy, through a policy of not fitting smoke detectors to council houses.他指责地方议会不在市建住房里安装烟雾报警器的政策酿成了一场不必要的悲剧。The press typically ignores a problem until it causes a crisis.新闻界通常对问题视而不见,直到它酿成危机。White wine is produced from light-coloured grapes or from dark-coloured grapes with the skin removed.白葡萄酒是用浅色的葡萄或用深色的葡萄去皮后酿成的。It would be a great mistake to ignore these problems.忽视那些问题将会酿成大错。It adds up to a recipe for financial disaster.这结果会酿成经济灾难。Too many golfers try to bash the ball out of sand. That spells disaster.太多高尔夫球手都想把球从沙子里敲出来,结果酿成了一场灾难。Pushing her in the river seemed like a harmless prank, but it ended in tragedy.把她推入河中似乎是个于人无害的恶作剧,可最终酿成了悲剧。The bees spend the summer collecting nectar and turning it into honey.蜜蜂夏天采集花蜜并将它酿成蜂蜜。An error in the translation nearly caused a diplomatic incident.一个翻译错误几乎酿成一场外交事件。The accident was caused by an unusual sequence/chain/series of events.这次事故是由一连串不寻常的事件酿成的。Police blundered by not releasing more details about the case to focus public interest.警方因没有提供更多的详细案情以引起公众的关注而酿成了大错。Disaster was narrowly averted when two airliners almost collided above Detroit.两架班机差点儿在底特律上空相撞,险些酿成大祸。A fresh tragedy was narrowly averted yesterday.昨天险些酿成一场新的悲剧。The boys' game started as harmless fun but ended in tragedy.男孩子们的游戏开始时只是个无恶意的玩笑,但最终却酿成悲剧。Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible mistakes and conflict will occur.如果不尊重别人的宗教信仰,就会祷下大错,酿成冲突。The British press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.英国报界小题大做,酿成了一场不必要的经济危机。Their elemental passion led to tragedy.他们的强烈激情酿成了悲剧。As our older generation knows from experience, unchecked aggression against a small nation is a prelude to international disaster.我们的老一辈从经验中得知,侵犯小国不加以制止必会酿成一场国际性的灾难。The government blundered by not acting sooner.政府因未能早点行动而酿成大错。




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