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词汇 酸痛
例句 She pored her eyes out over his letters.她全神贯注地看他的一封封来信,看得两眼都酸痛了。She rested her tired, aching limbs.她放松了一下疲惫酸痛的四肢。He climbed stiffly from the Volkswagen.他浑身酸痛地从大众轿车里爬出来。She had sore feet from walking on hard pavements all day.一整天在坚硬的路面上走路使她两脚酸痛She applied heat to the sore muscles in her leg.她热敷酸痛的腿部肌肉。My feet were sore and my back was aching.我双脚酸痛,背也痛。He rubbed his sore jaw.他搓了搓酸痛的下巴。His sore leg was a pretext. He just wanted a day off work.酸痛是个借口,他只是想休假一天。I'm sorry - I didn't mean to touch your sore arm.非常抱歉,我不是故意碰到你酸痛的手臂的。Symptoms of the flu include fever, general aches and pains, and sore throat.这种流感的症状包括发烧、全身酸痛以及咽喉痛。My quadriceps are sore.我的四头肌酸痛Her arms ached from pulling pints.她打啤酒打到胳膊酸痛The insides of my forearms are sore.我的前臂内侧感到酸痛I'm stiff all over. I hope I can recover for tomorrow's race.我现在全身酸痛,希望明天比赛时能恢复过来。He felt stiff all over.他感觉浑身酸痛Unused muscles can feel very sore when you start exercising.刚刚开始锻炼的时候,不常运动的肌肉会感到酸痛I was stiff from kneeling.我跪得浑身酸痛It seems to ease all the aches and pains of a hectic and tiring day.繁忙劳碌了一天所带来的周身酸痛似乎被一扫而空。The symptoms include aching limbs and a loss of appetite.症状包括四肢酸痛和没食欲。He got a stiff neck and a sore back from sitting hunched up for so long.他因为长时间弓身坐着而脖子僵直,背部酸痛All that digging made me really stiff.那一通挖掘让我浑身酸痛All the dust has made my eyes sore.灰尘使我的眼睛酸痛She felt him knead the aching muscles.她感到他在按摩她酸痛的肌肉。Each evening they returned having nothing to show for their day but tired feet.他们每晚回来时除了双脚酸痛外一无所得。His hands were sore and cracked from working long hours in the cold.因为长时间在严寒中工作,他双手酸痛,布满裂纹。




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