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词汇 每天早上
例句 Each morning they sallied forth in search of jobs.他们每天早上外出找工作。She rinses out her mouth every morning to prevent bad breath.她为除口臭每天早上都漱口。Annie's such a dear - she's brought me breakfast in bed every morning this week.安妮可真是个大好人——这周她每天早上都把早饭送到我的床边。She curls her hair every morning.每天早上都要卷发。It was her job to light a fire every morning before the family got up.每天早上在一家人起来前生好火是她的职责。She spends an hour each morning on personal grooming. 每天早上她都要花一个小时梳妆打扮。My mornings are spent rushing around after him.每天早上都跟着他到处跑。They walk around the neighborhood every morning for exercise.他们每天早上都在住所附近走走锻炼身体。Getting up at four o'clock every morning was doing my head in.每天早上四点起来让我脑袋发懵。Every morning she eats a balanced breakfast of toast, yogurt, and a glass of orange juice.每天早上吃的都是营养均衡的早餐,有烤面包片、酸奶和一杯橙汁。Every morning he eats a meager breakfast of toast and coffee.每天早上他早餐吃得很少,只有吐司和咖啡。She insists upon fresh fruit every morning.她坚决要求每天早上要有新鲜水果。He wishes me every morning.每天早上都问候我。She does sit-ups and leg lifts every morning.每天早上都做仰卧起坐和抬腿练习。I drink milk every morning.每天早上都喝牛奶。Taking a brisk walk every morning is a great way to burn calories.每天早上轻快地散一下步是消耗热量的好办法。The service at the hotel was amazing. We even had fresh towels every morning.那酒店的服务真是好极了,我们甚至每天早上都有干净的毛巾使用。John goes running every morning.约翰每天早上跑步。I step on the scales practically every morning.我几乎每天早上都称一下体重。The horses were exercised and groomed every morning.这些马匹每天早上都接受训练和梳洗。She checks her email first thing every morning.每天早上都先检查她的电子邮件。The doctor said I should exercise my knee every morning.医生说我每天早上都要活动活动膝盖。Every morning, we pledge allegiance to the flag.每天早上,我们都向国旗宣誓忠于祖国。I go for a run every morning.每天早上都去跑步。She gets a shampoo every morning.每天早上都用香波洗发。Hemingway came into the bar almost every morning to read the papers, shoot the breeze with the regulars, and enjoy bracing double daiquiris.海明威几乎每天早上都会走进这家酒吧看报,和熟客闲聊,并喜欢要双份代基里酒。I do half an hour of exercises every morning.每天早上锻炼半个小时。She gargles every morning.每天早上都漱口。Maybe I should take a leaf out of Rick's book and start coming in early every morning.也许我该学学里克的样子,每天早上早些来。She goes to the office every morning and comes home in the evening.每天早上去办公,夜晚回家。The cat appears at our kitchen door every morning.这只猫每天早上都会出现在我们的厨房门口。I have a bowl of cereal every morning.每天早上喝一碗麦片。We are up every morning at six.我们每天早上六点起床。She spent her mornings hustling change on the sidewalk.每天早上都在人行道上讨钱。He goes to playschool every morning.每天早上都去学前游戏班。He works out every morning with his personal trainer.每天早上与他的私人教练一起训练。Every morning I get up, wash and get dressed.每天早上我起床、洗漱,然后穿衣。He practises running every morning.每天早上练习赛跑。She used to hide when he swung by her school every morning.以前,当他每天早上去她的学校时,她就会躲起来。I read the newspaper every morning so that I don't completely lose touch with what's happening in the world.每天早上都读报纸,这样就不会完全不知道世界上正在发生什么。




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