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词汇 每周
例句 He gives one lecture and two tutorials a week.每周有一次讲课、两次辅导课。Water the plant every week; don't allow the soil to dry out completely.每周给植物浇水,别让泥土干透了。Every Thursday she would meet her lover Leon.每周四她都会和情人利昂幽会。What's the average weekly/monthly/annual budget for a family of five?一个五口之家平均每周/月/年的家庭预算是多少?The group meets on a regular basis, usually weekly or biweekly.这个小组定期会面,通常是每周或每两周一次。She exercises two or three times a week.每周做两三次运动。She placed a standing order for fresh flowers every week.她下了份每周预订鲜花的长期订单。This album is number one in the charts.这张唱片在每周排行榜上名列第一。They meet together every week.他们每周见面。He helmed a weekly TV show.他负责一档每周一期的电视节目。Hundreds of people write in to the paper's agony aunt every week.每周都有数百人给这家报纸的答读者问专栏撰稿人写信。I try to put by a few pounds every week.我设法每周存几英镑。I call once a week to talk to my parents.每周给父母打一次电话I make weekly trips to the grocery store.每周去一次杂货店。I spend one day a week working from home.每周有一天在家工作。The fire alarm has a weekly test/is tested weekly.每周都要对火警系统进行检测。How many units of alcohol do you drink a week?每周摄入多少单位的酒精?In all honesty, aren't there already far too many pages of scientific research published every week?.说实话,不是已经每周都有连篇累牍的科学研究论文发表了吗?Each of their children gets a weekly allowance of five dollars.他们的孩子每人每周有五美元的零花钱。Thousands of jobs in manufacturing are going every week.每周有上千个制造业岗位被裁减。Iplay tennis against her every week, but she always wins.每周都和她打网球,但她总是赢。Students meet biweekly to discuss their experiences.学生们每周见两次面交流经验。A secretary came in twice a week to deal with his correspondence.一个秘书每周来两次处理他的信件。A shorter working week will mean pay cuts for millions of workers.缩短每周工作日将意味着几百万工人要降低工资。If you schedule your practice routine to include one exercise a week, you should learn the musical scale pretty quickly.如果你在日常练习中每周安排一次音阶练习,你很快就能学会音阶。The class meets on Tuesdays. 这门课每周二上。We have a quiz every week on what we've been reading.我们每周都有小测验,考读过的内容。Basically we're looking for someone who can work three afternoons a week.基本上我们在找一个每周能工作三个下午的人选。Dickens wrote his novels in weekly instalments for a magazine.狄更斯为一家杂志社写连载小说,每周一期。The course is timetabled for one period each week.这门课程被安排每周一节课。He does weight training at the gym twice a week.每周在健身房进行两次举重锻炼。She keeps the family on two hundred pounds a week.她靠每周两百英镑养活一家人。Check the oil level in your car every week.每周都检查一下汽车的机油量。The menu was unvaried from one week to the next.每周的菜谱都千篇一律。He works late Mondays. 每周一都工作到很晚。We are doing a weekly poll on the president, and clearly his popularity has declined.我们每周就总统进行一次民意调查,很显然他的支持率下降了。I do a weekly update for managers on a spreadsheet.我为经理们每周更新一次电子表格。We were paid a set amount each week.我们每周领取一笔固定的工资。Working 100 hours a week nearly did for me.每周工作一百小时几乎要了我的命。She has been able to lay by a few dollars each week.每周都能够存几美元以备不时之需。




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