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词汇 decide against
例句 He thought of sending an e-mail but decided against it.他本来想发一封电子邮件,但是后来决定不发了。The house needed totally rebuilding, so we decided against buying it.这间房子需要彻底翻新,因此我们决定不买了。We decided against punishing her.我们决定不处罚她。The court decided against the defendant.法庭做出了不利于被告的判决。They decided against taking legal action.他们决定不提起诉讼。The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations.政府决定不使用暴力驱散示威人群。The family have decided against buying the house in the country.这家人已决定不买乡下的那座房子。The court has decided against the alliance.朝廷已决定不参加该联盟。The house needed totally rebuilding, so we decided against buying it.这所房子需要彻底重建,因此我们决定不买了。I was so tired that I decided against going to the party after all.我实在太累了,因此最后决定不去参加聚会。Finally we decided against buying a car.最后我们决定不买汽车。The jury decided against the plaintiff.陪审团做出不利于原告的判决。We batted back and forth the plan for a while, but in the end decided against it as we hadn't enough money.我们将这个计划随意地谈论了一会儿,最后因没有足够的钱而否定了它。For a second he thought about using his gun, but decided against it.一时间他想去拔枪,但又打消了这个念头。He debated whether to make a joke about shooting rabbits, but decided against it.他心里琢磨是否该开个有关打兔子的玩笑,但决定还是算了。He flirted with the idea of going abroad but decided against it.他本来有出国的念头,但后来决定不去了。I debated moving to the city, but eventually decided against it.我曾经考虑过要搬到城里,但最终还是决定不搬。He nibbled at the idea of changing careers , but decided against it in the end.他略微地想了想换工作的事情,但最终决定不换了。Karen and David weighed up the pros and cons of having another child and decided against it.卡伦和戴维权衡了再要一个孩子的利和弊,最后决定不要。I debated going back inside, but decided against it.我寻思着是否再进去,最后还是决定离开。The government decided against using force to break-up the demonstrations.政府决定不采用武力驱散示威游行。The court decided against the defendant. 法庭判决被告有罪。The President decided against going to war. 总统决定不对他国开战。




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