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词汇 a household
例句 The following year, she took the role that would make her a household name. 在接下来的一年,她担任了让她日后名声大振的角色。Some barbecues can be plugged into a household electricity supply.一些烤肉架可直接连到家用电源上。Your name is a household word with us.你的大名我们都熟知。Her rise to fame was quite phenomenal - in less than two years she was a household name.她的成名真是奇迹——不到两年的时间,她的大名已家喻户晓了。The company, a household name in the States, has a firm foothold in the British market.这家美国国内家喻户晓的公司在英国市场上站稳了脚跟。They've introduced a system of metering the amount of water used in a household.他们采用了一套计量家用自来水使用量的方法。Coca-Cola is a household name all over the world.可口可乐的品牌在全世界都家喻户晓。She became a household name.她成了个家喻户晓的人。Becoming an adult and setting up a household no longer mean the same thing.长大成人与成家立户已不再是一回事了。Ralph Nader's consumer activism has made him a household name in the U.S.拉尔夫·纳德保护消费者的社会运动使他成了美国家喻户晓的人物。His name has become a household word since he first appeared in the series.自从他在这部连续剧中首次出镜之后,他的名字已变得家喻户晓。McDonalds quickly became a household word.麦当劳很快就变成了一个尽人皆知的词。Landfill sites provide a dumping ground for old mattresses, broken chairs as well as household waste.垃圾填埋场不但是倾倒家庭垃圾的地方,也成了弃置旧床垫和破椅子的地方。She had turned into a household drudge.她已经变成一个辛苦操持家务的主妇。He is a household legendary figure.他是个家喻户晓的传奇性人物。The advertisement campaign is designed to make this new product a household word in every Chinese home.这次广告宣传的目的就是要使这一新产品在中国家喻户晓。One of the women said that since having four children, she felt she'd been reduced to a household drudge.其中一位妇女说,自从生了四个孩子后,她觉得自己已沦为家里的佣人了。Coca Cola is a household name around the world.可口可乐是全世界都家喻户晓的名字。




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