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词汇 邀请函
例句 There's been a big screw-up with the mailing list – no one's received the invitations.邮寄名单全乱套了,没人收到邀请函The invitations have been sent, but we haven't received any replies yet.邀请函已发出,但我们还没收到任何答复。The invitations were printed on handmade textured paper.邀请函是用手工制作的布纹纸印刷的。He received an invitation to break bread with the president.他收到与总统进餐的邀请函He finagled an invitation to the conference by claiming to be a reporter. = He finagled his way into the conference by claiming to be a reporter.他谎称是记者,骗取了一份会议邀请函




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