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词汇 道德
例句 The scandal has undermined the government's moral authority.这桩丑闻损害了政府的道德威信。Moral values cannot be taught in a vacuum.道德价值观的教育不能脱离实际。The House of Representatives voted to penalize him for ethics violations.众议院投票决定对他违反道德的行为作出处罚。Religious leaders campaigned against immorality in the film and music industry.宗教界领袖发起了反对电影和音乐界道德腐化的运动。I'm no moral absolutist.我不是道德绝对主义者。The scandal has tarnished the candidate's halo. 那桩丑闻使竞选者失去了道德光环。She is concerned with a variety of social/moral/economic issues.她关注诸多社会/道德/经济问题。He has no morals and will do anything for money.他毫无道德,为了钱什么事都干得出来。They had the reputation of being immoral degenerates of the worst type.他们道德丧失,极尽堕落,已经臭名远播了。The movie is amoral, not immoral.影片不涉及道德判断,而非内容不道德The character in the movie had no moral compass to tell him that stealing was wrong.影片中的那个人物没有道德指针,意识不到偷窃是错误的行为。Dickens was lauded for his social and moral sensitivity.狄更斯以其敏锐的社会和道德触觉为人称道。It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing.不是钱的问题,而是道德操守问题。Is it really ethical to keep animals in zoos?把动物关在动物园里真的道德吗?Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the play's moral centre.因为没有与其竞争者,马伏里奥自然成了该剧的道德核心。This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.从智识、道德和现实的角度来看,这一论点是站不住脚的。Undercover marketing arouses a discussion of ethical marketing.隐秘营销引发了关于市场营销道德的讨论。There is a sense of moral duty implicit in her writings.在她的作品中,隐含着一种道德责任感。It is impossible for these moral values to be implanted in people by force.把这些道德价值观强行灌输给人们是不可能的。The moral taint has spread among all classes.道德的败坏已在各阶层中蔓延。They are attempting to legislate morality.他们试图通过立法来约束道德His plays were problem plays, dealing with vexing psychological questions.他的剧都是道德问题剧,涉及一些令人烦恼的心理问题。The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him.道德委员会也许会决定对他进行训诫或是严厉批评。Victorian commentators were very concerned about public morality generally.维多利亚时代的评论员非常关心民众的总体道德We want to moralize politics and not to politicize morals.我们要使政治道德化,而不是使道德政治化。There is no necessary connection between what is legal and what is moral. 法律与道德之间没有必然的联系。They have no morals.他们毫无道德George Eliot shows real concern for religious and moral themes.乔治·艾略特对宗教和道德这两个主题表示极大的关注。It would be wrong to say that the Church doesn't enter the great moral debates of our time.要说教会问题不是当代社会道德争论的一大议题,那就错了。And the irony of Phil talking about ethics. He doesn't know the meaning of the word.菲尔谈论道德规范简直是个讽刺。他本身根本就是一个没有道德的人。The huge support in opinion polls for military action indicates a collective amnesia of our moral tradition.民意调查中对军事行动的巨大支持显示出我们对道德传统的集体失忆。Should governments be legislating morality?政府应该给道德立法吗?I've never thought of myself as especially moral or conscientious.我从不认为自己特别有道德或良心。She was torn between principle and desire.她在道德与欲望之间被左右拉扯。He made no moral judgments about her.他对她没作任何道德评判。The author avoids making moral judgments.作者避而不做道德评价。Anyone who carried out such an attack obviously has no morality whatsoever.发动这样的袭击的人显然毫无道德The campaign says that hunters are the moral equivalent of murderers.这一运动宣称,在道德层面上捕猎者等同于杀人犯。The authorities are protectors of public morality.当权者是公众道德的捍卫者。The group is calling for a return to traditional morality.这一团体呼吁回归传统道德




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