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词汇 隧道
例句 The vision soon resolved into a figure walking next to the wall, down the tunnel, towards me.这一幻象很快变成一个身影,贴着隧道的墙一路向我走来。The tunnel goes right underneath the city.隧道正好位于城下。Trains to London emerge from a long tunnel.开往伦敦的列车开出了长长的隧道They've built a new tunnel through the mountain.他们修了一条新的穿山隧道They were clearing away snow to open the tunnel.他们在清扫积雪以使隧道畅通。The road widened again when we came out of the tunnel.我们出了隧道之后,道路又变宽了。We got lost in the maze of tunnels.我们在迷宫般的隧道内迷路了。Light rail trains also operate at grade, instead of relying on elevated tracks and tunnels.轻轨列车也在同一平面上运行,而不用依靠高架轨道和隧道Walking into the castle was like entering a time warp.走进这座城堡就像穿过时间隧道,回到了过去。Safety systems in the tunnel left a lot to be desired.隧道的安全系统还有大量需要改进的地方。Until the rail links were in operation, passengers could only travel through the tunnel by coach.在铁路连线开通之前,乘客只能乘坐长途客车穿越隧道The initial section of tunnel had to be dug by hand.隧道的起始部分不得不用人工挖掘。The tunnel was dug with the aid of heavy machinery.在重型机械的帮助下,隧道挖通了。The two lanes merge going into the tunnel.两条车道会合后引入隧道The tunnel goes deep under the ground.隧道在地下很深的地方。A métro car window becomes opaqued under tunnel conditions.地铁车厢的窗户在隧道中变得不透明。They crawled through the tunnel.他们爬过隧道The alternative is to tunnel a route through the mountain.另一个办法是挖一条穿山隧道To build the tunnel they had to bore through solid rock.为了修建这条隧道,他们得打通坚硬的岩石。The company is planning to place surveillance equipment at both ends of the tunnel.该公司计划在隧道两端安装监视设备。The workers are tunneling the hill.工人们在凿山开隧道They drove a tunnel through the mountains.他们开凿出一条穿山隧道The train disappeared into a tunnel.火车消失在隧道中。He gingerly felt his way along the dark tunnel.他在漆黑的隧道里小心翼翼地摸索着前行。He pointed his light at the tunnel floor.他把灯光照向隧道地面。The prisoners escaped by digging a tunnel under the fence.囚犯们在围墙下面挖了一条隧道逃跑了。It's the longest tunnel in Europe.这是欧洲最长的隧道The tunnel goes under the English Channel.这条隧道从英吉利海峡底下穿过。The tunnel had been blocked with silt.隧道被泥沙堵住了。The SAS and American special forces have the expertise to engage in cave and tunnel warfare.英国特种空军部队和美国特种部队应对洞穴战和隧道战很在行。Barring unexpected delays, work on the tunnel should be completed by the end of next month.如果没有意外的耽搁,这条隧道将于下月底完工。Crews are working deep underground to build the tunnel.数队工作人员在地下深处建造隧道He emerged from the tunnel into blinding sunlight.他走出隧道,阳光照得他睁不开眼。Workers are tunneling through the hill.工人们正在开凿穿山隧道The railway line passes under the hill in a tunnel.铁路线从山下的隧道穿过。The construction of the tunnel is a large and complex undertaking.隧道的修建是项复杂的大工程。They holed a tunnel through the mountains.他们开凿了一条隧道穿过大山。The miners made a tunnel through the rock.矿工们打通了一条岩石隧道Workers could not clear the tunnels of smoke.工人们无法清除隧道里的烟雾。It will actually be cheaper to leave the machine encased in concrete to one side of the tunnel, than to take it apart and bring it back to Britain.事实上,将机器用混凝土封存在隧道一侧比将其拆开运回英国更加便宜。




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