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词汇 造诣
例句 His friends are all artistic - they're painters, musicians, and writers.他的朋友们都很有艺术造诣——他们尽是些画家、音乐家和作家。She has an intimate knowledge of English.她英语造诣很深。Johann Sebastian Bach had three sons who all became highly accomplished musicians and composers.约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫有三个儿子,他们都成了造诣很深的音乐家和作曲家。He's a man of great attainments in several fields.他是在几个领域中都有很高造诣的人。Her artistic legacy lives on through her children.她的艺术造诣通过子女传承而得以延续。Her technical accomplishment on the piano is impressive.她在钢琴技巧方面的造诣令人惊叹。These experts, because of their eminence in their areas, have considerable input in policy decisions.这些专家由于在各自从事研究的领域里有卓越造诣,故而对政府的决策有相当的影响。The performance showed great technical accomplishment.表演展现了技巧方面的很高造诣His own accomplishments invite comparison.他个人的造诣堪与任何人相比。




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