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词汇 out of touch
例句 I didn't see any news all the time I was on holiday, so I'm completely out of touch.我在度假期间一直都没有看新闻,所以现在对外界一无所知。Senior management seem to be completely out of touch with their staff's needs.高级管理层似乎完全不了解员工的需求。I don't know if he still lives there. We've been out of touch for some time.我不知道他是否还住在那儿,我们有段时间不联系了。He was quite out of touch with the general mores of the day.他对当时的大众习俗相当陌生。She's out of touch with reality. 她不了解现实。I've been away from the business for several years and feel quite out of touch.我远离生意场几年了,觉得相当生疏。They had become increasingly out of touch with public opinion.他们很快就不问民意了。Some of our judges are out of touch with public opinion.我们的一些法官脱离了民意。This government is increasingly out of touch with ordinary voters.这届政府越来越不能体察普通选民的情况了。Judges are often accused of being out of touch.法官们经常被人指责脱离时代。I haven't taught for a while so I'm a little out of touch.我有段时间没教书了,所以有点儿生疏。James wasn't invited. We've been out of touch for years.没有邀请詹姆斯。我们已经多年不联系了。The press accused MacGregor of being out of touch with the campaign he was supposed to be running.报纸指责麦格雷戈与他应当推行的运动脱了节。If they really believe this then they must be completely out of touch.如果他们真的相信这一点,那他们一定是完全与现实脱节。Critics claim that many soccer players are overpaid, overrated and out of touch.评论人士称许多足球运动员薪酬过高、评价过高,而且遥不可及。They are out of touch with the realities of modern warfare.他们与现代战争毫无关系。I've been out of touch with him for years.我与他失去联络已有多年。He seems out of touch with the real world.他似乎与现实世界完全脱节了。Mr Cavazos' problem was that he was out of touch.卡瓦佐斯先生的问题是他不了解最新形势。I'm out of touch with modern medicine.我不懂现代医学。He is out of touch with the younger generation.他不了解年轻的一代。He's out of touch with the actualities of life in Africa.他已经不了解非洲的现状了。The report says the police are out of touch with the communities that they serve.这份报告指出,警方对他们所服务的社区毫不了解。Nicholls, who has been out of touch, is a tall stylish player.表现失常的尼科尔斯是一个身材高大的时髦球员。Washington politicians are out of touch with the American people.华盛顿的政客们脱离了美国民众。He's always daydreaming and seems to be out of touch with the real world.他总是在做白日梦,似乎不了解现实世界的情况。Mr Bell's problem was that he was out of touch.贝尔先生的问题是他不了解最新进展。He was old-fashioned and out of touch.他守旧而又孤陋寡闻。If they really believe in this then they must be completely out of touch.如果他们真的相信这一点,那么他们肯定是完全与现实脱节了。




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