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词汇 debating
例句 There is suspicion about the motivation behind the changes we are debating.我们在争论的这场变革,其背后的动机让人怀疑。They were debating the proposition that "All people are created equal".他们正就“人人生而平等”这一命题展开辩论。Parliament is still debating the bill.议会还在讨论这项法案。Intellectual heavyweights will be debating what is one of the most important issues or our time.知识界重要人物将对当代最重要的问题之一进行讨论。The conference is now debating the motion and will vote shortly.会议正在讨论这个提议,稍后将投票表决。Congress is debating whether to spend the budget surplus.国会在辩论是否要动用预算结余。I was the captain of the debating team at school.在学校读书时我是辩论队的队长。The debating chamber is often simply used as a platform for trading verbal abuse.辩论室经常只被用作是各方恶语相向的一个平台。You have to be articulate to be good at debating.要想辩论得好,你必须有好口才。We were debating whether to go by bus or train.我们在考虑乘公共汽车去还是坐火车去。It is an excellent idea to encourage them to join a school debating society.鼓励他们加入学校的辩论社是个绝佳的主意。Researchers are still debating the import of the test results.研究人员仍在争论这一测试结果的含义。Her debating skills were honed in the students' union.她的辩论才能是在学生会里磨炼出来的。They sat for hours debating the pros and cons of setting up their own firm.他们在一起坐了数小时,讨论自己创办公司的利弊。When we left, they were still debating.我们离开时,他们还在争辩不休。We rub along, debating, not squabbling, but sometimes avoiding debate.我们相处融洽,争论但不争吵,但有时也会避免争论。Scholars have been debating the meaning of the text for years.学者们对这一文本的含义已争论多年。She was the matriarch of the school debating society.她是学校辩论团的女团长。While I was debating what to do, the phone rang.当我盘算要做什么的时候,电话铃响了。Writers are debating the ethical dilemma raised by the parents who did not want their Siamese twins separated.两个连体婴儿的父母不愿让孩子分离开,作家们在就此引发的道德难题进行辩论。They had been debating for several hours without reaching a conclusion.他们已经争论了好几个小时,仍然没有得出一个结论。I'm still debating what to do.我仍在考虑该怎么办。At the moment we are debating what furniture to buy for the house.我们眼下正盘算着为房子购置什么样的家具。We were debating the best way to reach the river, when a passing ranger kindly pointed it out.我们正在讨论到河边走哪条路最好,这时一位护林员路过,好心地指了路。The telephone rang. Catherine hesitated, debating whether to answer it.电话响了。凯瑟琳犹豫了一下要不要去接。We are debating what car to buy.我们正在仔细考虑买哪种车。He sat there debating with himself what to do.他坐在那儿左思右想着该怎么办。She was on the debating team at school.她曾是学校辩论队的成员。She is still debating what to do.她仍在考虑该怎么办。These antagonisms tend to heat the atmosphere in the debating chamber.这些对立情绪会使辩论室里的气氛更加紧张。He turned round, debating whether to go back.他转过身,反复考虑着是否要回去。The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly.大会正在就提议进行辩论,稍后将就此表决。I heard him speak at the debating society.我听过他在辩论协会的发言。This evening we're debating the issue of the legalization of soft drugs.今天晚上我们辩论的问题是软毒品的合法化。Scientists are debating the possible derivation of birds from dinosaurs.科学家们正在争论鸟类从恐龙演变而来的可能性。




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