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词汇 途中
例句 We stopped off in town on the way to Jenni's house.去珍妮家的途中我们顺便到镇上去了一下。The cargo hold cannot be accessed during the flight.飞行途中无法进入货舱。We drove down to Baltimore, and on the way there we stopped for lunch.我们驾车去巴尔的摩,途中我们停下来吃了顿午餐。The aircraft was on a flight from Milan when it disappeared from radar screens.飞机是在从米兰出发的飞行途中从雷达屏上消失的。I read during the train journey to work.我坐火车去上班的途中会看书。They were en route from Kuala Lumpur to Paris.他们在从吉隆坡去巴黎的途中The President stopped off briefly in London on his way to Geneva.总统去日内瓦途中曾在伦敦作短暂停留。The men got a fire going, which served to dry their clothing and accoutrements.战士们途中生起了火,把衣服和其他装备烤干。What happened to the men on the expedition will always be an unsolved mystery.这些探险队员途中如何遇险永远是个不解之谜。We stopped for lunch.我们途中停下来吃午饭。The plane hit quite a bit of turbulence during our flight.我们的飞机在飞行途中遇到了不少气流。I often see her walking past with the children on the way to school.我上学途中经常看到她带着孩子经过。His wheels were stolen by a Mongolian horseman en route to China.在去中国的途中,他的车轮被一个骑马的蒙古人偷了。Their car broke down on them on the way home.他们的汽车在回家的途中抛锚了。The plane stops over in Dubai on the way to India.飞机飞往印度的途中在迪拜作短暂停留。The check is in the mail. 支票正在邮递途中On my way to Vancouver one Friday night I picked up a hitchhiker.一个周五晚上,我在去温哥华的途中捎上了一个搭便车的人。They often find they begin to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.他们发现自己常常是为了打发飞行途中的无聊才开始聊天。He felt restless and dissatisfied as he drove home.在开车回家的途中,他感到烦躁不安,很不高兴。He had been in a daze all the way to New York.他去纽约途中一路恍惚。We met him on our outward passage.我们在前往外地的航行途中碰到了他。We stopped to eat en route to the museum.我们在去博物馆的途中停下来去吃饭。A light meal will be served during the flight.飞行途中会提供一顿便餐。Thousands of commuters faced a nightmare journey to work because of the strikes.由于罢工,成千上万的通勤者上班途中都经历了一场噩梦。A tyre blew out while the coach was on its way to the ferry.长途汽车在开往渡口的途中爆胎了。Our letters must have crossed in the post.我们的信一定在邮寄途中互相错过了。We stopped over in New York on our way to Seattle.我们在去西雅图的途中曾在纽约停留。She stopped over at a friend's house for a couple of days.途中在朋友家待了几天。They wanted to see nature and got an eyeful during the camping trip.他们想要看看大自然,在野营途中已大饱眼福。The troops harassed the defeated army throughout its retreat.部队在败军整个撤退途中对其进行反复打击。A Dr Matthew Owens was reported missing while on an expedition to north-eastern Turkey.据报道,一位叫马修·欧文斯的博士在前往土耳其东北部考察的途中失踪了。Her garden is patterned on one she saw on her travels.她的花园是仿照她旅游途中看到的一个花园而建。We stayed there en route for London.我们在去伦敦的途中在那里作了停留。There are stations where runners can get water at regular intervals throughout the marathon.马拉松全程途中平均隔一段就有供水站为运动员提供饮用水。They died of thirst on the voyage.他们在航行途中因缺水而死亡。Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan.她的私人喷气式飞机在前往日本的途中降落在该共和国境内。The kidnappers seized the child as he was on his way to school.绑匪在孩子去学校途中把他抓住。He dropped dead on his way to work one morning.他在一天清晨上班途中猝死。We saw a dreadful accident along the way.途中我们看到了一起可怕的事故。If goods are lost in transit, the carrier will be liable for damages.货物若在运输途中丢失,承运人有责任赔偿。




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